After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2854 is of course ... kill ... you!

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Some people quickly go to see those corpses, or some people have disappeared, but they are curious to explore the neck.

"Hey? Is it true?" Some people immediately.

The cedar looks fine, and then nodded: "Yes, these common wounds have one in the neck, as well as Dantian."

"But what can you explain? How can the neck wound can't be coincident?" The words are still questioned.

The moon has been revealed and the brids said: "They can be fatal in addition to the neck, others are not enough, because they even have no internal injuries! All the injuries are traumatic, you think that the missing arms can make Is it dead? And is the repair of the Yuan Ying, or the king level is repaired? "

The words are bored directly.

"Well, go to the body of the jade fox." The month said, he went outside, and he didn't look at the jade fox, but after him, he left a sentence.

"The rise and fall of a sect, depends on their leaders. In addition, send you a sentence, have a brain to go through the world, no brain will die." The moon is going forward.

And the green wood and white feathers no longer look at the words of the wooden chicken, and it is more disdainful.

"We are going." Forgot to say, the moon is naturally left from the 'three people'.

The Qing Dust and Yun Yu also stood at the same time, and I didn't think I didn't think that I will kill the biting gold in half.

The moon is laughing and not talking, just walking with your worry.

Yun Yun picked the eyebrows and didn't keep up with him, and the dust was also like him.

"Do you feel that they are not right?" Longfei night looked at a few people interacting and asked the month.

"What is not all normal? Nothing is not normal." Moon ink returned to the sentence, can't help but show a smile.

Yan Dynasty immediately chased them. "I know where, I will take you."

All the people in the hospital naturally do not stop standing, and for them, it is a more exciting.

The light into the rain immediately followed the past, almost all people transferred the place, and the remaining people were basically the people in the basin.

There are also disciples in the watershed, and the disciples are immediately surrounded, watching the bouquet of shackles, and I don't dare to speak.

One of them, be careful: "Zone ... Is there?"

When you talk to him, then the eyes are as you want to eat, and immediately screamed: "Strap! Of course!"

"Hey, I have no chance to ..." Suddenly I came in outside the gate, this person is not just the unity of the main owner of the scene? "

However, at this moment, his eyes showed a cold cold. The tongue of the mouth has also reached out and licked, it is like Warcraft to see the prey, and the disciple in the courtyvastery in the court, and the words of the words The fierce shock.

"Yang Jian, what is you saying this?" In the heart, there is a guess, but it can't believe it at this moment.

Watch a juncture, cover a small piece of space they occupied in the small courtyard, and the smile of hatefulness again on the face.

"What do you want to do? Of course ... kill ... you! Hahaha!"

The words are not good, not good!

Take a big drink immediately, "Sadmunicate!"

Everyone lifted the weapon and immediately took out the weapons to come to people, and worked.

However, Yang Jian is gently raising his hand, and a invisible power will make a blade to shoot.


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