Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! immediately nodded, "Okay."

"Contact your Master, let him help me check it out, this woman's identity, and send people to keep her!"

From the head to the end, the feelings are quite dignified.

This allows the month to whiten, they don't see it, the woman's identity is not suspicious, and it is very dangerous.

"Okay." has returned again.

The month is leaning, she knows, she knows that the most confused is my brother, but this will not explain.

Immediately for forget: "Brother, I will tell you everything later."

Forgot to smile, lightly, "Well."

Yun Yuyi, I don't know why, I feel that the month is in this matter of her parents, and some things are they don't know, but he will not ask.

In his opinion, the moon will be able to say, she will not conceal him, but he does not need to ask, it will know when it knows.

The month will look again to the Panyu, and finally asked: "When are you coming to this mainland, your organization is called, in addition to you have a poisonous resisted in this continent, how can you Find him, other people don't have anyone else? "

A series of questions, Panyu is also active response, "is a red blood, we haven't many years of our three in this mainland, in fact, in fact, the Dream cooperation is also the directive to the Lord, I don't know, the dream The person who wants to eradicate is the Queen, really. "

At this time, the Panyu clarified himself, but the moon wanted to know is not here, she already thinks that this is a red blood group not only in the continent, there is a unpleasant position, and also with the gods The mainland is related.

"It's enough, can poison to the meteorizens?" Moon left his words, her heart is thinking, there is no longer, will there be a poisonous dream?

Panyu shakes his head: "This is not, he is not often in the stars, usually there is something to ask him, more, unless there is a new refining toxic to appear."

Yue Yanyue is busy with: "The new defense or zombie? Or is it poison?"

"Yes, poisonous and honorable, and very terrible, so I will not be in contact with silver." Panyan said, it seems to think of the terrible of poisonous respect, and there is some fear on the face. The color is not like a mold.

The moon is slightly evoked, and a smile in the eye is: "You think that I am more powerful than the poisonous to poisonous respect."

The Panyu is surprised to see the moon, look down, this question is really not thinking, but now think about it, the strangest poisonies she showed today, it is indeed a poisonous respect. Those differences.

"This ... I really don't say it." Panyan hesitated.

"What is wrong? Is definitely a small point!" Longfei night suddenly said that there was a kind of avatar powder.

Who let him often see the month, if you want, whether it is a new refining of the medicinal medicine or a ointment, all kinds of poisons, he will die.

Moon ink is white, seeing the moon: "Do you want to poison?"

"Well." The month is off, she wants to use her refinement to poisonize.

Before Sili said, the next Star mainland will also explode a large-scale zombie disaster. If you can solve the poison before this, you can stop this catocker in advance.


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