After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2875 Even if she is fake

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! "Yes." Forgetting the worry, "You just said that the father of the father is in the mainland of the mother, they are used to reincarnate to the outside world. After the accident, they should go directly to the father and the father. The emperor's body, this woman in the gods can't be the mother's emperor. "

"Well, I think so too, just, the other party has the same time, this is very strange, the air appears, it is the whole system," said the Queen of the Shenjie, there is a star stone, if it is the long phase Similar or, it is indeed easy to believe ... "

The moon is analyzed, and the face is more divergently, "especially, I can't enter the gods now."

I don't know why, I always feel that this thing is in the manipulation, I didn't listen to his Master. Even if I stayed with the gods, I didn't know that there is such a thing today.

In this way, before she didn't go back to the mainland, this woman was at all, and the crystal with her energy was reacted in that time, she started to be arranged ...

It can be said that it is just a timing, and her repair is in accordance with the speed of thin aura in normal people, it is still necessary to return to the gods to the gods.

But she still didn't make a hand, and the cultivation speed was only half a year from the waste material to the current holy.

"Brother." The month suddenly shouted.

Forget the worry, I looked at her, "What did you think of?"

The moon nodded, "I think, the man is not expected to advance my fast level, equivalent to accelerating the speed of the god, my Master has other fairy people think of the way to protect me, each other No way to solve me, so I am very likely that he is simply in front of me, will have a reborn quater. "

Forgot to know, I feel that it is reasonable. "If so, then the woman will have to do the next thing to do to get the trust of all important people in the god domain. If she can put these people, even if she is fake, but Some people who have their own small abacus will still support her. "

"Well." The month is noddy. "So, even if my Master opposed other fairy, it will only be an opposite side, divided into two factions. After all, I didn't appear in the gods, what kind of empty mouth, What's more, there is still an Ouyang ink in the godroom. He is naturally will not be willing to return to the gods. "

"It will be more happy to make the false upper, perhaps, the fake is not from the relationship with him, can you say it?" The moon said, the eyebrows also slammed a despise.

In addition, the moon is still worried about a problem. The woman is really real in the gods, more people of the gods may be more willing to believe in the true existence of the Queen, not in the human struggle to cultivate the mortal women in the Jinqian back to the gods. .

Before she didn't take the borders, many things would be difficult, such as she has always been the gods, and the true God of the people in the people.

If she can't prove the identity of my true God, I still can't say it.

In the moon, the moon is falling into his own thoughts, forgetting to see her brow, immediately asked: "I don't want to do it now?"

"Since they want to push the woman in the quench of the queue, it is better to be better than they." The moon left, the stars scratched a smeared cold light, "The woman had the ability to sit, try it. "


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