After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2881 This is, no way to let them go back.

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Longyin Lin is very unwilling, a look of indignation, "I know that Long Tian proud night took a group of people, it was a matter of being able to see people! The result is eccentric, hey! Have a washed Dan so good Dan medicine, but do not give strings, and there are still many, I would rather give those waste? Oh, he is really good! "

The long face next to the row is also quite ugly, washed the marrow! Or eighth-level washed Dan! Even the elements can take it! Will he not need?

However, Long Tianhao did not think of him at year end!

"Longfei night is dead, but the master still does not look at the baby, I am the most hope to win the position of the young master, but ..." The Dragon Stringent narration said that this is no longer said, but he wants to express The meaning is very clear.

In the dark, the Dragon Eagle's dark face, does not send a word, the eyes look at the other direction of the dark, I don't know what I am thinking.

Longyin Lin once again said: "Hey, Long Tian proud this practice, clearly want to cultivate him, if this is the case, I am afraid that the string star will get the position of the young master tomorrow, there is no need to sit in the future!"

As a saying, the Dragon String star suddenly worried, busy: "Grandpa, the owner is cooking this tonight, is it to cultivate a new person, when you look for a chance to put Sun Church?"

Dragon Eagle's face suddenly revealed the cold smile, slightly said: "Reversive? That also wants to see if he cultivated, is there!"

Dragon Tour Lin father heard the words, the eyes of the two were flashing in the eyes.

"Hey, are you planning?" Long Toy Lin hurriedly asked.

The Dragon Strings will ask: "Grandpa! You talk about how we will do it next?"

Dragon Eagle looked at them two, and the tone was slight: "It is a general waste, and it is only a climate. What do you worry about?"

In this way, the father and son immediately bowed his head and said: "Yes, the grandfather is lesson."

"That ..., do you have any plans now?" Long Toy Lin still couldn't help but ask.

"Plan?" Dragon Eagle looked at him, his mouth was slightly evoked, but there was no smile in his mouth, and then cold and cold: "Naturally it is."

The Dragon Stringent face is immediately exposed, "Grandpa is preparing to do?"

"Tan medicine in these few tonights, there will be no major changes in the short term, then let them let them write more time." Dragon Eagle said.

Longyin Lin has been asked: "The owner is with the old ancestors?"

Longying's expression instantly fiscal a bit of a bit, cold voice, slow speech speed, "I came out, I didn't plan to let them go back."

This will make the Dragon String star suddenly surprised, the dragon's forest is also quite unexpected, and some uncertain questions are again: "Hey, what you mean, to be ..."

Dragon Eagle's eyes were draped through the cold, and at the same time, he looked at Longyin. This made him not help but shake it. It was seen by himself to see this kind of eye. The pair of cold eyes, let him not help but dare to see.

Only listening to Longying tangle: "Don't you want them to die early?"

Dragon Toy Lin don time condition launched, looked at the back: "No, babies may not disappear early."

"What are you afraid?" Dragon Eagle looked at him very disdain.

Longyin Forest is cold sweating, talking to his pro, it is so big.

An immediate explanation: "The baby is not, just ask."


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