Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Yun Yuzhen suddenly solidified, the next moon, the 13-year-old girl? Does he are wretched?

If you forget, no matter how you listen to him, but it is true!

Although the month is seventeen years old, the soul is still more than 10,000, but forgetting her thirteen years old.

Yun Yu is slowly changed at this moment, don't use what expression to say, don't know if you want to answer your worries.

The monthly ink white mouth is constantly moving, the shoulders are also horing, and the dust is also smirk in the mouth, and if you forget, you are completely unexpected.

When the ink is a bit heartache, the outside world is sympathizing with his master.

"Hey ... hahaha! I heard this, laughing at me." Since another corner, a smile, laughing is also special.

Moon ink white and repair dust at the same time, the mouth is evacuated, the month ink is white: "Hey, it seems that some people are not a note, it seems that there is still no one to do."

Yun Wei's cool eyes, instantly correctly lock the source of sound, and the mouth is slightly harmonized with a deep extent.

Dragon Fei, who was supported back by Red Art, and suddenly, "Never laugh?"

"Can." Forgot to go back to a word directly, and the eyes contained obvious smile.

Yun Wei did not say, the moon did not help but also, it seems that her previous idea is wrong, I am still happy too early.

"I will say it!" Longfei night first lost tone.

Red art quickly smashed the Dragon Flying Night arm, "Night brother, you still don't talk."

She is very worried, if she will make Longfei night and so on have been cleaned up.

I was busy in the moon, saying: "Well, my brother, it is also very late tonight, tomorrow is also better than the trial, it is better to go back to rest early?"

Forgot to nod, there is no objection, but it is still added: "Take a break early in the evening, you are also, don't usually take the child."

"Reassure, absolutely will not." Yun Hao immediately responded.

I saw the monthly away from the month, and I was satisfied with it, "Go back."

"Yes!" The half of the air came out and responded, and the light beam was dark.

There are only a bunch of shiny things in the station than the battlefield, and people who have forgotten people have left.

Soon, there is still the rest of the Yun Yu, for a time, and recover quiet.

Yun Wei once again touched the month of the month, "Do we go back?"

"Well!" The month smiled and got down.

However, Yun Yuyi didn't forget to tell, "Continue to repair the array of the battlefield, the arrival of the ring."

Yugu is busy, "Yes! The master is rest assured."

"Will it?" Longfei night did not understand, "I just came back, how did you end?"

"I don't mind, send you again, just haven't come back." Yun Yu was born.

Longfei night, I listened to it, "Don't don't, I will go." I didn't wait for someone to go to the channel together, grabbed the red art, quickly ran, just his running posture weird.

"This guy, how can I turn?" Moon white looked smile.

"Is he will be light?" Yan Xiu said to look at him.

When Moon Moon is coming, "What about you? What should I go back now?"


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