Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! When I heard that Xiao Xiaoi said that I was discarded, Xiao Xiangton was not happy, immediately returned to her: "You are stupid, my lady often praises me smart! You can't make Miss, Miss," Miss, "

"Miss, what happened?" Li Wei rushed over and followed Wu Wei, and the two were hot.

The yard of the Sikiki lived in the flow of Star, she didn't have much hand, she had too many secrets.

So there are only three of them, under the two hands inside the yard, I saw a strange woman in the hospital.

I don't know when I came in, this is not forbidden to surprise him, and after the amount, it is not surprised. Yan.

"She is?" Li Wei glanced at the Xiaoxi, how did it feel a bit more familiar? But it can be determined, I have never seen this woman.

"She said that she is a big lady, is you believed?" Xiaoquan said.

Shiqi simply walked to the stone table in the courtyard, watching them at the calm chest, with a shallow smile.

However, that said that the eyes of the eyes, they let them see some of them, they can't help but panic.

"You continue, I am sitting." The sound of the little smudges, the words, directly lifted the Erlang legs, looked at them in the chest.

The movement of the Erlado Legs is that she has been dreaming! I was too fat before, and I couldn't get up.

Xiao Xiang saw the other party even as a casual, but also used this attitude, and suddenly she was too arrogant.

"Do you really take yourself?"

"Wait." Li Wei was busy to stop her, he continued to stare at the Qi Kaiki.

And Wu Wei is also the same, I always feel that it is wrong.

"You still stare at her? Miss does not know that life is dead, you still have ..."

"Shut up!" "" ?

After Xiao Xiang was yelled, he couldn't help but bow.

Li Wei is still evolving, "Miss? Really you?"

"Then you think that there is a matter of this, dare to come to the yard of Miss, who is the bed of this lady? You look at your family's daughter-in-law, the eyes are not a long-needed eye, even Miss can't recognize it?" It is very disliked to see the small fragrance.

But the other party has been by her 'your daughter-in-law', I can't get the red blush directly.

Li Wei couldn't help but embarrassed, but at the moment it was fully confirmed, the beautiful woman in front of him was the main master.

"Miss ... You don't smile." The voice is obviously insufficient.

Wu Wei was also determined. "It is the dead, there is no first time to recognize the lady, please press the lady to punish."

Xiaoquan also suddenly became awkward, let alone, now the other side's sitting, there is the charm, speaking method, and what I just said, I have the same traveler.

Suddenly, I know that I misunderstood, Xiao Xiang even busy and admitted the wrong: "Miss, is a slave, the slave doesn't see it in the first time ..."

"Okay, this lady naturally knows that you only have your little plum in your eyes, and there is a big four big now?" Yan Xiaon said, can not help but look at her.

"Miss, don't tell the slave, slaves really know the wrong, just think that it is someone else, thinking is another woman, you have changed the appearance overnight, it is really hard to believe ..." Xiaoquan The more you say, the smaller sound.

Shiqi immediately put a hand, "Okay, let's get up, go to find a suitable dress, I will rush to the battlefield."


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