Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! When the moon, the eyebrow suddenly looked down and immediately looked at the perceived position, just meeting the fake male.

The other party seems to have some accidents, and then the showing smile is exposed.

"What's wrong?" Yun Yuzhen looked wrong with her look, and immediately saw it.


I saw the other side of the other side, although it was only far looking, but I could I observe that I didn't look at my eyes.

It is like watching the prey, which makes her very uncomfortable.

"do not know."

The moon is returned to the line of sight. She has a kind of dissent for this person. Although it is just the first time.

Looking at each other, Yun Yuyi couldn't help but rejection, and it was not very friendly to see the fangs.

"Since Shi Gong is coming to other sectors, can you open the channel door now?" The Yangtze Rong of the real Yuanzong came out and said to the epic.

"No, there is still a parade." The epic said to sweeping his eyes, "the basin is here?"

I heard the basin of the basin, and when they remembered, I didn't see it.

They have forgotten the basin of the basin, "may be in other doors?" The long life of the real yuan.

Several hosts remembered the murder that happened yesterday, but also guess, "will it abstain?"

"It's coming." Lu Yan's eyes glanced at the position of the intersection.

The boulder take the lead in a hurry with a team of a child, really step down.

Looking at them in their body, Haizong Zongwei Liu Hai, suddenly surprised, "I thought he may abandon the game."

"I thought it was, after all, there was a big thing in Zongmen, and there were so many people." Yang Cheng Hong also said.

The moon looks at them, and the eyes are cold, the expression is faint.

"Oh! Sorry, it is really embarrassed, let you wait!" The words are still not yelling in front of the old and far away.

Epic came out of two steps and said to him: "There is no need this, we all know that your amenities, if you are not convenient to play ..."

Not waiting for him to finish, the words have been grabbed, "No, of course, there is always the end, although our excellent disciples, one by one, but it is still going to continue."

The words are told, suddenly sigh, a deck is sad.

"The Lord of the Lord is mourn ..." The other two Zongmen immediately comforted.

Longfei night with two months, the eyes are despised, expressing disdain.

"Hey, you don't know, I am late." The words are vertical, and it is a sigh. "The genius disciple of our Zongmen has entered the finals. He suddenly disappeared last night."

"Ah?" Liu Hai first expressed surprised.

Others also showed an unexpected color, but some people also said: "Will it be suddenly going out, did not come and tell you?"

"However, there is still a trial today, what do you have more important than the trial?"

Looking at them, I didn't talk, anyway, it was a show.

The words suddenly showed a sad color, and they watched them in their feelings and shook their heads.

This makes people feel more strange. What does this mean?

"Yan is very likely to be poisoned ..." After the words finished, deep sigh, very heartbroken.

The surrounding sounds sounded a sound, mostly surprised.

Many people already know that yesterday's basin was killed many people.

Someone asked: "The Lord of the Lord, but I saw Yan Jinyai in my own eyes?" The question is exactly the month.


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