After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

What is so happy in Chapter 2905?

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! I heard this name, the first reaction in the heart of Xiakui is, I will help myself!

And I received a long-term sight from the ring, I have been strange and strange, I have been staring at Mi Xiaon.

Although I can't hear what they said on the ring, I can feel a little. "Is it a small smock with me?

"No?" The disciples next to suddenly exclaimed.

Ye Liangchen, sitting on the other side: "If so, it seems that you are still a good one with the little aunt."

"Yes?" The Dragon String Star is faint, but it is some of the hearts.

With the ratio of Yan Xiaoki, it is hidden when she is in the war situation yesterday, and her cultivation is obvious, and she can't be sure now, her level.

If you really fight with her, then you will not be able to grasp it.

"Okay, you can go back to sit down." Liu Chang Lao's Kaiki Road.

Shii looked at the direction of the Dragon String star, raised his hand and waved, his face was full of splendid smile, but did not say anything.

This makes the Dragon String Star far away, "Is this hello to herself?"

"Dragon brother, it seems like Xiaoni teacher laughs with you?" There is disciple road next to it.

This makes the inner heart of the Dragon Strings, there is a kind of joy that can't be suppressed, and the corner of the mouth is not conscious, self-speaking: "I know, you will not let me put it down so much."

At the same time, some people are very surprised. "Wow! The teacher is slim, the body is so good, I don't know what the reason makes her determination to change?"

"Is it because she wants to return to the sanctuary inheritance?"

And at this time, a disciple, a highly unpredictable opening said: "You are all wrong, I suspect that the Shi Nai's auger is like this, just because of his true identity, it is a false woman, so it is intentionally I have changed myself, I will not be recognized, and I have a revenge plan. "

This statement instantly makes many people feel very reasonable.

The mind of the Dragon Strings is also active at this time, and then look at the woman who is walking down, and the eyes are glare.

The disciples of the flowing star have discussed, but more is to discuss the body of Yan Xiaoniu.

Kaiki did not walk to the disciple seating area of ​​the flow of Star, but the position left to the moon to do it.

"Why didn't the Shi Nai's aunt?" The disciple of the meteor suddenly said.

Some people think that they have come to see Skianti who has changed the look. However, she didn't come back, and I was disappointed.

"The Shi Nai teacher seems to like the spirit of spirit."

"Is it because of the phoenix city?"

When the Shi Shiki walks, the mood seems to be very good, and it doesn't whistle.

"What is she happy?" "The moon is inexplicably."

The month can not help but laugh, "" Maybe there is a happy thing. "

"Xiao Yifang!" is very happy.

"What is so happy?" Month is odd.

"Hey, wait for you to see it." Yan Shikui deliberately sold a close.

Moon can not help but pick eyebrows, "Oh?"

"How many positions here?" looked at a position around the eyes, and then the past is the month.

He is now drinking tea, and it seems that he did not pay attention to the gimmick.

In the moon, I feel that the month is more like hidden my own embarrassment. I smiled in the Kaiki: "Nothing, this is a white, I don't know that you have changed, so much one Location width. "

This makes the Xiaoyi can't help but look at the month, "This way? You now see this perfect figure now, you still sit so far, then a few mean?"

"Cough ... cough. No, what do I mean? What doesn't mean." Moon is white.

"That is sitting!" Yan Shii shouted.


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