Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! After Shi Xiaoni stepped on the face, he had more cool, and he was in the heart, and the results of the supervisor were announced, and they directly jumped.

That is like a child, the man is very happy, and it is too big to look like her dress.

Many people are also sweating, but some people feel very cute ...

"Okay. Let's go, some people may not have to vomit blood directly to the next round." The month can not help but laugh.

Shiqi's eyes glanced over the side of the eyes by the physician to handle the face wound, and the people who hate hate.

I couldn't help but laugh again. "I have long seen that his face is not cool, I finally gone today."

Others have heard it, it is laughing.

The moonlight is slightly glanced, and then asked: "The appearance of the Dragon Strings is also good, do you have a move?"

I heard the words, Xiakiu is first turned to show him. "Do you really have a little bit of taste? Even if I have a good. Color, but also three six nineteen, and he is in my eyes, just the bottom, found I can't get the eyes of this lady. And you can't even dare to look like this, and you may even be better than it. "

When the moonlight, the expression was hysterested, and the sentence was directly returned: "Not necessarily."

"Yes?" said with a smile.

For the performance of Xiakuni, everyone did not entangle anything, it is not very obvious.

Some disciples of the meteorzon are watching the eyes of the Dragon Strings, also slightly.

The Dragon Strings has not returned to the original position, sitting on one side of the most corner.

But not yet, like being isolated, there are several men, on the left and right sides of this.

The man on the left side, and said to him: "The son, what will we need later?"

The Dragon Strings of the Dragon Strong Dragonfly, the cold, cold and low-sized business: "It is best to kill a few."

He is full of angry at this moment, still can't help but look at the Xiaki, but it is full of hate in his eyes.

These people are what he arranged.

"I understand." The few people nodded directly.

The competition is still continuing, and other platforms will also end.

Immediately after a few rounds, we will once again usher in the second round of the finals.

"It's nothing to think, I don't want to beaten." Yan Shii is a lazy sitting in the position.

The moon is away from the side: "Hello, wait for the lottery?"

More than the martial arts in full swing, however, there is a group of people that have rushed on this side.

"General, don't impulsive." A man said to Murong.

Murong wins the face of clouds, scarlets, sitting on the back of Warcraft, looking at the front.

And the more concern and persuaded: "The big master also said, the Feng Town has a lot of sacred beasts, as well as the beast, and we are not opponents.

"It's enough! This general knows what I can do now, can't do, but! The general of this general, the light of the day, as the people of the people in Fengli City, this account, no matter How can I not count! "Murong won cold and said, and then turned to look at the unclear Memory of the rear behind.


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