Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Zhou Yishi has always been in the heart of Yunhuang, so it is a heart to cultivate his son and will hopes to pin it on him.

However, there is no more than that, the son is just going to see a parade, this is always ...

"Feng Town ... Yun Yuyi ... You are waiting for me! Kill my son, I want you to be accused!" Zhou Yanyi roaring, the whole face was distorted.

If people have a cold, even the atmosphere does not breathe.

Zhou Yanjing once again shook his head again. He looked at Zhou Yuli's words and stopped, and he wanted to say anything.

"The big brother has something to say?" Zhou Yanyi turned into a look, and the normal sadness was restored, and it was not him just now.

Zhou Yanjing immediately no longer hesitated, immediately positively: "Sister, we are a family, brother is telling you."

As soon as I see him, Zhou Yili can't help but show a whisper. "What is the big brother says, we are the brothers and sisters of a mother, nature is a family, the big brother has something to say directly!"

"You will come back first." Zhou Yanjing's eyes showed an eye.

Zhou Ya Li immediately gave it, and immediately reached out, "helping the Palace."

"Yes, my mother. The ,,,

"You are all returned first." Zhou Yuli watched his hand, and the people surrounded by the surroundings.

She took a while, all of which fed the front of the World of Warcraft.

Zhou Yanjing immediately kept tight, and he did not forget to set up a junior in them.

Waiting for those people, they are far away, and the sound ensures that they will not flow out, this only speaks: "Sister, this matter is too sudden, our previous plans are completely unworthy, not just this Now I have to face the emperor, I am afraid that he will take action directly to our Zhoujia. "

After listening, Zhou Yuli is just a smile: "The emperor? He dares!"

Zhou Yanjing suddenly sighed. "Don't you forget, Xiaoqi is not his kind, now it is not there. He is better!"

As soon as I heard this, Zhou Yuli's face was dark, and I brought the roar of Zhou Yanjing: "You Hu said! is an orthodox emperor! It is his kind! That is, That is!"

"You are self-deception, big brother is not outsiders, will you not know? Moreover, this matter, the emperor is actually having a lot! You still can't see it? Just he doesn't know, "Zhou Yanjing also fired.

Waiting Zhou Yanyi talking, Zhou Yanjing has once again sounded again. "You are impulsive, this is already a kind of wrong choice, and you will follow you, and hope to look at you, don't make a big thing. You think Yun Yi What is so good to deal with? The Holy Bee Army of Fengli City is vegetarian? "

"Also, Li Taizhong knows what you will do after you do things, and the emperor is definitely waiting for opportunities. If you are impulsive at this time, I am afraid that I will only be the middle of the cloud."

When Zhou Yanjing finished, Zhou Yuli had already stayed, and he couldn't help but muttered in his mouth: "Li Taizhong ..."

"You have to think about it, you can't bear it, there is a Muronghua in the palace, she is waiting for you! You think about her son, Yun Zhao is now good." Zhou Yanjing said, inner heart is also an increase A bit concern.

I don't know that Murong's family is still Yun Zhao, will it be at this time, and what to help, what ...


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