After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2925 will start tonight

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Wen Yan, Murong Hua suddenly laughed, "What is this?"

"Well, you don't doubt what she said, the death of the cousin is not angry, the child is very strange." Yun Zhao once again.

Muronghua looked around Lu Yan, lifting his hand and waved down, "You all go first! There is nothing in here. |

"Yes!" The palace is in the palace, and there is also a return of Su Yu.

On the temple gate, Muronghua is once again a commencement, and the temple is sealed.

For her careful move, let the clouds in the clouds a bit more deep.

Murong Hua got up, taking the eye Yun Zhao, can't shook his head, "Your current repair is too early to touch the above level, many things have not been understood to tell you." Donned, followed: " However, I know some of you, it is not a bad place for you, at least let you have a number in your heart. "

Yun Zhao's eyes showed an eye, and quickly asked: "What is the mother know?"

"You just said that the Feng Town said that Xuecier was more excited by a dream fairy. The soul came to change people ..." Murong looked at him, suddenly nodded: "This matter is not fake, At this hometown, Mo Cheng also appeared in Mo City, but said, killing, this seems that she should be the body, and the soul fled. "

"What?" Yun Zhan couldn't help but be horrified, immediately asked: "Mother? Do you know, this sleep fairy origin?"

Murong Hua suddenly looked at him and clicked down. "Indeed, but just heard ..." said that this, her eyes can not help but flash.

I quickly thought about it, I quickly added this: "This Feng Town is temporarily can't move."

"Why?" Yun Zhao asked, but it was not anxious to deal with her, but the psychology suddenly changed his mind.

Murong Hua's face is very serious, very serious, "You don't have to ask more this matter, the mother can tell you, the dream fairy is from the gods, the phoenix is ​​coming from the gods. There is also, don't go to the clouds recently , Can avoid avoidance. Don't let the Fengsheng City! Remember! "

"God-level repair ... Yun Yuyi is very likely that you don't have him, and there is a more deeply around him, even more deeply, even your master, it is not their opponent!" This, Muronghua is quite a shock.

After all, people are already the god level, it is already a god level, it is impossible!

However, do not rule out the Yun Yun's cultivation of the physique, is he Yunyang Square, but what about it?

The two sudden incidents, the investigation is suddenly coming out, and it can be seen that they have not existed ...

God-level doing the hand?

It's really hard to believe, just ...

"Mother! How can Yun Wei may be a god? How can babies?" Yun Zhao is very difficult to believe, if it is a holy-level. Peak, maybe it is trustful, but the holy level?

"Also, the mother is decided, send you a place, you will start this night, don't ask others! Tonight will pick you up! In addition, you only need to know, try hard, other Don't use the tube. No breakthrough, don't come back! "Muronghua suddenly said.

This decision is actually her temporary decision. With the lesson of Yunxiao, she naturally won't want her son to become the next object.

So can only be sent away!


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