Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! "Yes! There will be a task to complete the task." Situ once again responded.

And at this time, the meteorzer is better than the test competition, and it has been in the final semi-final after the previous round of personal finals.

Everyone is expected that the genius of all sects has been covered after a few rounds.

Some have a single seedlings, but there is also a spiritual truth, there is three more!

But there is also an accident. In addition to the immortal, there are two people who have left, there is another three sects.


Even the Little Kaiki is a little dare to confuse, watching two men who are wearing the disciples around him, kneasing for a while, "I didn't expect it? You two actually promoted the final finals?"

I can't help but look at them, the two people can not help but feel stiff after touching their eyes.

In particular, the contact of the Tao Moon is separated from Yun Yi, and the hands on the body are not consciously tight.

"You said, this time they are in the game, and finally smoke themselves to play their own people, or the phoenix city cloud prince is fighting? Will it be better?" Some people suddenly showed the gossip of gossip, watching the Taiwan More than a dozen people who are already drawing.

"I feel, Yun Prince will give Fengcheng City."

However, there is a laugh next to it: "You are talking about nonsense? Yun Taizi will not let Fengfeng City, how this is all about the winning win, there is your own reputation, can you feel because of the family give up?"

"How do you know that Yun Taizi will look at the game, not to see Zhong Fengcheng?"

"Okay, what is this good? Anyway, who loses who wins, is a spiritual person!"

The sound of the bystancy is plugged in.

Epic also looked at the two disciples on that, they all couldn't believe it. "They have two repaired as so strong? Why didn't you find it on weekdays?"

The jade is a bit surprise, and then laughs. "Is this bad? If they are also like the Phi City, hide the repair?"

"This is also, just, I still feel surprises." The epic crackled frowned.

"The big laughed, the disciples are working hard to cultivate, have also have an opportunity. I have to win the present, maybe I will meet the big lady, you will win the disciples to win?" One said.

, "" The disciple of their own, how can you leave a face. Hahaha! "

"Okay, since you have finished the lottery, please click on the left and right numbers yourself."

Moon will return a lot of their eyes, maybe she is suspicious, always feel that these two are somewhat uns, but it is not sure.

The opponent's eyes are dodge, understanding is self-defensive, it can also be understood as nervous.

Is it ... The other party's repair uses a special way?

After they ranked, they also saw their opponents.

And Xiao Xiai saw that his opponent is really the two one, and the opponent forgetting is another one.

Yun Wei looked at his opponent, and his mouth hooks slightly. "It seems that the palace is still in charge of you."

The other party looked at Yun Wei, and his face did not hung, suddenly showed a horror, while faced with him, "Yes ... Yes."

The moon saw the people opposite the eyes, it was the Pope, and the corner of his mouth evoke a trace, "Fortunately."


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