Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Under the order, the people on the ring are also moved.

Longfei night did not hurry, but the opposite dragon is very urgent, has made a serial attack.

"Daxie four square!"

A silver-sparkled energy-saving blade, Qi Qi rushed to Longfei Night.

This is a very powerful attack in the other side.

Longfei night's eyelids are just a slightness, raising his hand, swaying a defense, and attacks are directly intercepted.

The fourth quarter, the moon is standing in the same quiet station, looking at the opposite side does not work.

The man of the ink, the same thing, the same, no need to hurry, and stand on her opposite her.

It seems that there is no way to shoot ...

The surrounding people are not awkward, "" How did the four do not move? "

"I don't know, maybe Feng Miss is tactical?"

However, relative to this situation, on the third ring, I have not delayed the time, and the elderly, I have done my opponent.

First, I will set the other party to the place, followed, raise your hand, waving two times, the ancient dollar can not drive, but the foot is like a lead, lifting it.

"You don't use space to block! Let's sing!" The ancient dollar shouted, trying to struggle breakthrough constraints, but only futile.

I looked at each other in the midst of a smile, and I had a big laugh, "I have a book."

When a line is closed, the ancient Yuan suddenly is blocked, and if he can break through the space to block, it will not be guilty.

The other party also did not eat this set, did not let him, the pressure under the feet also increased.

Just listen to the crisp sound of my foot, and let the ancient yuan donate: "Ah!"

"I can't help it with some pain? How did you play a semi-final?" I asked.

When the ancient dollar, it is ugly, and forgetting the worry seems to be intentional provocation.

This also makes some people think of some people don't understand. Some people can't help but say: "Good people are also the disciples of the flowers, how to say that the flowing star is also good, and the relationship with the phoenix city is more good, how to forget It seems that it is welcome? "

Shi Shi looked at the trial situation, did not speak, more accurately, attracted attention to Qin, who was defeated with Qi Kaiki.

"His shift looks like a meteorz, but carefully, it is not like it." Epic has some helicy.

Yuqing looked at Qin, who could maintain his position in the situation, and couldn't help but unexpected. "If Xiai is a genius, I believe, but this person, it has always been outstanding, but now, the strength is not less than Xiaiki ... When we have more talented genius ? "

Liu Heng looked at the game than the battlefield, it was a look at all.

After each trick, Ji Kaiki, he was surprised to be surprised.

The other party's response ability is far more than its own estimation, and it is reasonably reserved for her outstanding tricks.

"I didn't expect you to be so strong. However, the top ten in the internal door disciples, it seems that there is not you? You can really be hidden!" Yan Shii suddenly asked.

For a small and uncomfortable micro-stiff, the face is revealed, and the past is busy.

Any one has made a defense, intercepts the attack at the same time to avoid the attack of Kai Shiki, and said: "Xiao Nai is serious, disciples are not usually not too exposed to expose themselves, silently cultivation, and can enter the semi-final is complete luck Nothing is not a hidden. "


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