After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 3001 suddenly cools 6

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! "But what is the mysterious disciple of the mysterious, how to explain this suddenly?"

The discussion of everyone in the battlefield, various guessing.

Lu Yixing has passed the doubts, "Go see, if they need to help, I will shoot."

When I was coming, I came to a response, and I didn't move.

"Brother?" Zilu clearly looked at him, in fact, she also felt that this is unusual.

"Xuanmen people die, the head lead has quietly gone in advance, do you think it is normal?" Lu Yan slowly.

"It is indeed doubt." Zi Ruoqing shook his head.

Two long lives: "People should not die without dust."

"Well." Lu Yan.

Miao Yong's death, Yun Yun's departure, the people of Xuanmen did not say, but the black bear beast did not die after the owner died, and was also taken away by Fengliu City?

Some people have seen the moon, and they did not see her explained. She didn't seem to happen back to the position. She sat quietly, and she was still leisurely tea.

Originally, I want to see the words of the play, the most disappointment, watching a few empty positions, I can't help but say: "Even the disciples of the Zongmen are killed."

At this time, the Haizong, which is not far from the fairy, listening to the disciple: "You said, will be a cloud prince has re-tried him, but it is still not dead, deliberately stayed with him. , Just waiting for the supervision of the supervisor to announce, not almost dead? "

There are people who have this idea can not only, after all, people are indeed dying after the elder announcement.

"I watched Yun Taizi wants to kill him, deliberately stayed with a sigh of relief, after all, before the competition announced, it is equal to foul, and the result announced that it is dead, it is not a violation."

"Hey? It seems to be quite reasonable." Side of the people nodded.

Park Xiang far is thinking about it, "You all hear? What do you think?"

Forgot to see him, "What do you think?" At the direction of consensus, the voice is cool: "Is it enough?"

Those people can't help but shake, the back is cool, and this sound seems to be a bit familiar?

They are busy looking for the source, forgetting!

Someone suddenly became wrong, and immediately reacted: Oh, he feed! How to forget that the relationship between Yun Prince and forgetting is not the same!

"We, we have just joked, joking!" Hai Zong has disciples immediately.

"You can just say it just now, maybe he will answer you the most sure." Forgetting the worried and cold, the flower falls no longer look at them.

The surrounding people also suddenly determined the attitude of forgetting, and then did not dare to talk about Yun Yu.

Haizong just said that Men's heart was a little panic, said in front of Yun Wei? That is not dead!

The sound of the monk once again sounded again, "the last group, Ling Zongfeng's Lands in the Battles."

The moon is looking at the opposite side, directly: "Speed ​​speed speed."

However, Lu Sheng looked at the end of the month, smile faintly, "But I don't hurry."

When the moon is suddenly eyebrow, then the lips: "Is it? Don't blame me for heavy."

"Do not necessarily." Lu Sheng should promptly, originally he is somewhat guilty, but it is still different.

The wrist is turned, and a silver sickle appears in his hand. The appearance of the sickle, so that the whole platform, even those around the battlefield, the temperature in the air is declining.

"What happened? Suddenly cool?" It is unclear.

At the time of seeing the sickle, when I saw the sickle, I suddenly squatted, and the cold and mutant crossed. The voice was also cold. "Who is this?"


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