After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 3046 Attack (Supplement 4)

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Others also have a bit more than a few points, showing amazing.

Liu Cheng can't help but think of: "Is it that the murderer in which they kill the monk is still the party? Yan Di is also killed by the person? It is a primary, it is very likely that it is us!"

Speaking of Yan Dynasty, Niu Fei a few guards of the guards flashed, and the completion is a little unnatural.

And those disciples did not pay attention to these subtle things because of panic.

Niu Fei said: "Don't guess this first, go back to the yard, wait for Taizong to say."

Wu Yi is late: "I think we are still here, etc., let's go together than testing ... After all, if the murderer is eyeing, what should we do?"

"To the right, we will not leave first, then wait!" Zhu Wenyuan quickly said.

Others have also attached, nodded.

Niu Fei, several of them hesitated, nor opposed, then nod, "then wait."

A group of people returned to the seats just now, but they were somewhat nervous, and the heart is not awkward.

When Niu Fei came in, his eyes couldn't help but leave them in the moon. Some think about it.

"How did they come back?" Longfei night feels unexpectedly.

"There are still a few people." Yun said.

Longfei night and swept his eyes, "The guards of the previous goes."

Moon White directly: "There is a problem."

The moon also looked at the eyes, and I looked at them. "What happened? Is there a problem?"

"Master." Mo Yi suddenly came to Yun Yu's side, he was a few words.

Yun Hao's eyes flashed, low, "Taizong? This person has been closed for some years."

"Hey, what is it?" The month asked again, she always felt that the Yun Wei had just had something to look at her.

Yun Wei, please raise your hand, the ink is retreat, and the clouds will be a few words from the merits.

When the moon is suddenly revealed, he will showcase the colors. Look at Yun Yu, "will it be too early?"

"Anyway, it is a result in the morning and evening, it is good than good than the bailout." Yun Wei calmly replied.

The moon is nod, "Okay, then we will go back to randomness."

"Okay, things have already got the hand, we can also withdraw." Yun Yuzhen saw the things that Lu Yan strength took the things, and he got up and took the moon while

"Hey, do you want to be so real? Waiting for my Master two sentences?" Longfei night busy.

"Is there a difference?" Yun Hao looked at him low.

At this time, the ink repeatedly refunded again, rushed to Yun Yuyan, whispered to him: "The master, the night is coming, Zhou Yuli will go to the road to the town."

Yun Yuzhen suddenly moved, "concrete the situation."

I heard the month from the Dragonfly night, can't help but show unexpected eyes.

The ink is busy: "It is not sure that there is, but it is certain that the opponent's strength is strong. The dark guards tracked by our holy have been in a maze array, but they will disappear. I heard the static movement in front. "

Dark Guard quickly chased past, and found that Zhou Yanyi arrived on the ground, but Zhou Yanyi was cut, and his face was also destroyed. Didn't plan to kill him. The guards and palace are just a varying degree of injuries, fainted. "

Longfei night suddenly guess: "It is difficult to have someone to track them, just want to marry a disaster? Now they do, most likely to be suspected is not a small point?"

"No." The month is from the brow, and this guess is directly denied.


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