After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 3050, a bunch of things, do you know?

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! The moon is laughing again, "Okay, even when it is a stranger, the big master is also an elder, and the old man is indeed."

"Yes!" Liu Hei immediately nodded, and his face agreed.

The Shi Shiqi immediately turned over to him, "Then the old is good."

"Older? What is going on?" Liu Heng suddenly reacted excited.

"You are not enough to respect it? Then the grandfather will also." Yan Shiki said that it is light and clouded, as if there is nothing to do with the opinions.

Liu Heng a pair of eyes, "He, what? Old grandfather? Is this not a mess! I am you, how can I call Grandpa!"

Shi Shi suddenly smiled, looked at Liu Heng, a horror, he couldn't help.

However, this also attracts Liu Heng's white eyes, "Laughter laugh? Are you very happy?"

The epic clearly cleared the throat, and strive to get the color: "I just feel that the weather is good today, suddenly a good mood."

Liu Heng snorted, how can he know that he is laughing at him?

Others are actually also wondering, but they still have to be too obvious, after all, still have to give Liu Heng.

"This is not good, then you can't do it, what do you want? Want me to call you? Don't!" Yan Shiki looked at him with his face.

Liu Heng's opinion, Sikihi face, suddenly something is afraid of her to be angry, I am busy: "No, you don't be angry, you don't mean, I will not force you." I didn't think of it, and finally sighed. "Well ... Old Bo is old!"

At the same time, I am so comfortable: I will always be better than the old man.

has not carefully carefully carefully, slightly, I don't want to talk to him again.

Epic looked at the moon in the pavilion, and the words stopped.

The moon is lightly illuminated, looked at the rock, and Lu Yan god is usually.

Longfei night with the moon ink, Lu Yan, "Master."

Lu Yan is headed down and didn't say anything.

This allows the month to leave again, and then ask: "Uncle Shi, but there is something?" But there is nothing. "

"This ... I just said, you don't want to be angry, I just ask, after all, I believe in you, the outer people are not necessarily." Epic quickly explained.

The month is away from the point, "Please say."

Shi Shi looked at her, and looked at the Yun Yun, he hesitated, and he left: "The words are doing things, do you know?"

I listened to a few months, and I suddenly understood that the other party had to say something.

Moon White and Longfei night face, calm standing.

Yun Hao is light, the ice is tap, some accident: "He? I don't know."

The month will look at the epic, shake the head.

The epic sighed, slowly said: "The disciples of the river domain said that the words were bouquetless, and they did not come back. After that, he received a message from Zongmen."

"Do something? What is it?" The month will not look at the epic.

Shi Shi will reply to: "Dead."

"Dinn? How can it be? It is not good to go out to join the fun?" The month showed a surprised look on the face, but it turned and some did not understand: "Well? No right? If you say a bunch In the meteor, it shouldn't be the disciple of this side of the basin first.

immediately nodded, "To, right, then, they have something to ask for a small point? Uncle, do you doubt that this is dry? How can you doubt your child?"


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