Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! "How did this jade don't feel weird?" Longfei couldn't help but underestimate the sound.

Lu Yan recovered the line of sight, when he returned: "Which might is not right." The words are directly transferred, "All the city, this thing is the old ancestor to give you the special manner, let me give you."

I saw a small black box in the hands of Lu Yan, and the eyes of the moon could not help but guess what would be.

Just, how can her master are calculated, this time, the first one must be their paradise?

I didn't immediately took the black box, I didn't have a sentence: "If this time, what should I do if I don't win?" I remember that the original Master did not plan to let Haoyu to participate in this year's trial game? "

Lu Yan heard the words, suddenly thought, the expression on his face became a bit weird.

Cough, calmly replied: "The old ancestors believe that even if he doesn't have him, Ling Zong can take the first."

"Yes?" Longfei immediately said that he said, "Not I said, if not because forgetting is a little brother, Yun Yun is really not playing, our spirit is the second."

... a cold eye instantly, the dragon flew at night, Lu Ying blamed: "Shut up."

Although Longfei night is the truth, Lu Yan still does not want him to say.

The moon has a slight hook, "Lu Zong, is my Master still have other ways?"

Lu Yan suddenly looked at the moon, his eyes flashed, hesitated, or opened: "Grab."


When a group of people around me, there is no way tooth the mouth ... Sure enough, it is the style of Yunyang.

"Okay." Lu Yan is bus coughing: "The old ancestors have given me personally, this thing can be good, and other old people also let me tell you, say: Everything has a fixed number It is a robbery to hide. "Lu Yan said, and couldn't help but stay at the moon.

Regarding Yunyang, he did not understand when he turned this sentence, it seems that the old ancestors do you know how to happen?

When Yun Hao was turned over, he crossed the same color, and then asked: "Is it?"

Look at Lu Yan, waiting for him to answer.

Lu Yan said that said: "Well, he said this."

Looking at the side of the moon, he looked at Yun Yu, "Master he had to know this day."

Yun Yuyu is low, and I have not answered immediately.

There is a bit nervous when the red art is don, can't help but catch the hand of Longfei, "Since the old ancestors know, why not yesterday ..."

"Good crafts." Monthly interrupted her to continue.

Lu Yan was confused, "Is it that you already know what to happen?" Not waiting for the month to leave the mouth, but also added: "Need to help, the spirit will not stand by."

Longfei night suddenly helplessly said: "Master, this is really helped ..."

"Can't help?" Lu Yan looked at him, "Why?"

In fact, Lu Yan in this time is already determined, and several of them are what is the 'robbery' of Yunyangzi.

However, he can think of it, since it will be called 'robbery by their ancestors, it will be very serious.

Longfei night did not answer immediately, but looked at the end of the month.

Lu Yan saw the line of sight to the moon white. When Moon Moon is suddenly avoided, he clearly knows that things about the devil can not say that Lu Yan is not working.

The reactions of them, suddenly let Lu Yan also look at the moon to leave with Yun Yu, "I am not convenient to say it?"

Yun Wei did not hesitate to reply: "Saying the length, saying that you don't understand."

"?" Lu Yan squatted, slid down the forehead black line, isn't this not nonsense? He doesn't say, how do you know that he doesn't understand?

Suddenly looked at the moon, trying to hear what the month said.

The moon is close to him, slowly said: "The host's kindness of the city, but we will deal with this matter." The words fall into the topic: "The game is ended, I don't know when to return to Zongmen? "


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