Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! When Shi Xiaoni, I can't say that the angerous moon, I just said, busy: "Wait!"

Shii hurriedly chased the hand of the month, and looked at her poorly: "Are you so anxious? Do you have to go? Can you go?"

I didn't know why she suddenly said, my face couldn't live a smile: "What happened? How is it? I have a very important thing to do, so I have to go."

"Don't worry, I will come back soon." The moon is attached to her hand, patted two smiles: "Okay, don't be so reluctant, isn't you see it later?" "

"However, you don't know, I am afraid ..." Yan Shikuo said, but the back is blocked by the month.

The moon interrupted her words, "You don't want to go to Lingzong? That's going to Ling Zong waiting for me, I will give you a lot of delicious snacks, I assure that you never eat "

Red art can't help but, there is concerns about the meaning of concern, busy to the moon: "Departure, you must be careful, pay attention to safety."

The moon is nod, "Okay, wait for me to come back."

"I really don't let us follow?" Moon ink asked Yun Yi.

Longfei night is also busy with: "More than one person, more power, let us follow!"

His pair of eyes hinted with Yun Wei, trying to convince him.

However, Yun Wei hurts the hands of the moon, and returns them directly to them: "Less one person, less dangerous."

As soon as this, two people who have a little hope, suddenly being hit, haven't waited for them, and the clouds will open again.

"Take a good cultivation, when to break through God level, when will he talk about strength."

God level?

Longfei night with two months, the mouth is once again smoked again ...

Other words in Lu Yan did not say, just a little bit, "No matter what you do, pay attention to safety."

"Well." The moon is seriously replied, and the hand is pulled down to the other World of Warcraft, and then returned them to the space Warcraft forest.

After two people, they turned to leave outside, and there were still a few pairs of eyes behind them. They looked at their back until they disappeared.

"Just gone?" Longfei night suddenly, and some were unbelievable in words.

Yue Yumei looked at him, "Then you think? Can you help?"

Longfei night opened his mouth, I want to say anything, but finally closed, sigh: "Go!"

"Where?" Lu Yan looked at him.

"Of course, it is cultivation." Longfei night walked on the side, but also did not forget the red art, and the other pulled the moon. "

The moon ink is not objected, but he will open him, and it is too much to abandon: "You are holding your own daughter-in-law, the male man is not a pro."

This is a smile in the night, but it still rests, just a pair of slightly charting eyes! "Then you can go back."

When the discourse, I immediately received the eyes of Moon, "You don't talk, we are still a brother."

"The way, I don't mention her, don't mention it?" Longfei night is busy, and then directly changed a topic. "The guy first rushed back, then the child? She wants to do it? what?"

"I don't know, anyway, we can't help it, practice well, so you can't help but also drag the legs." Moonlight.

However, the hearts of the moon in the moon are thinking that he is asking, the little lys is also anxious to leave, what will you do?


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