Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! I don't know what the idea in my heart is, just, the opponent's eyes let him guess what is playing.

"Sure enough, hey! If you gues, you have a small doll that has nothing weaned, how can I achieve this situation in just a few years? If it is really so, the Star mainland is not a god-level strong Yes?"

"Oh, it is the original speculation?" Yue Yang said, the energy of the palm is again condensed. "Today's old man can not kill you, but you will be inevitable."

Of course, he will not forget the secret law, naturally it is to bring it back, and then ask the other party and then kill the other party.

Just, he just finished it, just witnessed a few epic horns, a smile and neverned, and finally turned into a sigh, even the same time came to compaid, and he looked at Yueyang. Shook his head.

The same is true for a few, and the eyes of Yueyang suddenly look like an idiot.

"This old head will not come out from the mountain?" Ming You immediately spit.

"Not only in the mountains, or climbed out from the cave, before touching the world, huh." Ming Dynasty said, showing a rider.

Side of the sword tooth also followed the mouth, the eyes are slight, this is laughing?

I have long noticed the movements in Yueyang, but there is no smart look.

"How do you have to follow you, but ..."

Forgot to say, watching his eyes suddenly, the breath is turned cold.

Yueyang's pupil suddenly shrinks, and the heart has poured an unique hunch, "but ... what?"

"You are dreaming." I have forgotten a few words.

It immediately saw that Yue Yang suddenly was suddenly a common in place, and the surrounding gravel was also turned to suddenly rotate, and the dark clouds were also turned over.

Clearly visible the scene of electric flash thunder, surrounded by the wind.

"? This? Is this trick not just the skills of Taizong Taizong?"

"Yes! It seems to be!"

Those who reacted, suddenly thinking, shouting: "Fast! Run, otherwise, etc., it is."

Everyone remembered, before being taken by Yueyang, it gave a vomiting blood, so, and others have traveled.

Although the battle of the strong is very good, I have to have a life?

"Don't run, you won't hurt everyone."

Suddenly, the forgotten voice sounded.

Those who are running outside the legs, "What? Don't you run?"


The disciple of the basin is also ran out, stopped, and he looked at Yueyang trapped in the whirlwind.

"Taizong ... Taizong will not have something?"

"Who says that too much will something? It should be a worry!"

"What are we run?" Suddenly a disciple looked at other disciples.

Suddenly a group of people are embarrassed, and they don't talk.

"Little beast! Do you think you can sleep old? Hey! Time!" Yue Yang finished, the spirit of the body suddenly broke out, colleague's hands were prepared, and struggled forward.

Forgot to be worried, the hands of the hands, the whirlwind is instant, and Yueyang's attack hit on the cyclone.

... a loud noise.

Many people's consciousness open the defensive rinsers, or worry that they will be misunderstood.

As a result ... After the loud sound, there is no impact. Instead, Yueyang is in the whirlwind. Wow, a bloody, and the footsteps are standing.

The eyes are unbelievable, staring at the forget of the whirlwind, "this is impossible ..."


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