Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Mo Wei and stranger didn't say it, just I have been forgotten to hit it, and the most of the most is to grasp the cultivation. I arrived at God soon!

Lu Yan has knocked on the head of Ziyan's head. At the same time, he repeatedly known: "You know to play all day long, you still don't work hard, you look at people, you are in the same man, but it is a god strong."

"You look at yourself, the king level has not broken."

Lu Yan is completely hate iron, not only think that Lu Zi is not angry, and there is forgotten to fight.

It's not bad, I have been cultivated for nearly three hundred years.

If people don't arrive in people, I haven't come to God. Although the blood is strong is part of the reason, efforts are certain.

Lu Yan was shunned, after the Scholand said, turned and strive to go, and did not pay attention to Lu Ziyan's full grievance.

Spirit is useless, Lu Ziyi can't help but depress, look at the stranger of smile, didn't have a quick way: "Why laugh? Do you not be the same? Big than me, not as good as me!"

"Hey, go back, try to break through the king level to show me!"

Monu, "We work together."

The epic has not delayed, and now is Yan Dynasty, private grievances, nothing to do with him, and all people have to evacuate.

However, some people are still curious, I want to know how to do color is ready, so some people still stay.

In fact, there have been a few ribbling people to leave, and they are straightforward to leave, they must have nothing to do with the matter of harming him, so I don't kill them.

Yan Di is close to the rest of those people, and the eyes are not cold.

One of them pleaded: "Yan Dynasty, you see us in the same door, let us! We are also forced!"

"I am not voluntarily, I am just a matter of listening to the land, it is really not intentional."

"I beg you, let me let me live!"

Several one person shouted, asked, but Yan Dynasty pain did not fluctuate, it is already indifferent.

"Oh, you don't think I don't know, I don't know if I don't have anything to help the people!"

Yan Jin hooks and smiled, followed by: "Since you listen, he says what you do, even if it is a hurt, then ..."

"He is dead, you are so loyal, I want to accompany him, I want to accompany him?"

I heard this, the few people suddenly understood that today, he would not let them go.

When I changed the right time, my face was condensed, and the tone was also relocated: "Since you are not willing to let us, then we have to fight!"

"Brothers, since it is dead today, it is better to go together, anyway, he is now serious, but it is basically."

This is immediately letting other people resonate, and then the spirit is floating, and the weapon summoned.

"Just now, you have forgotten the son, we are afraid of you, now we are not afraid of you!"

"Let's go together! Yan Dynasty is not in the middle of the king level, and it is hurt, and how can we fight so many people?"

This person is completely not retained, basically useful to take advantage of Yan Dynasty.

Yan Dynasty looked at them, "stupid."

Surprised when he was suddenly surprised: "God! What should I do?"

"Do we want to help?"

Some people suddenly proposed, but they haven't waited for them, and there is already a war with fire.

Several people lying in front of Yan Dynasty is just a few words to say together.

He is still a man next to him, just helping him come here.


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