After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 3083, you said that I dare not

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! At this time, the green wood is obvious, and the woman who is sitting in the ground is immediately looking at the woman. Zhou Yanyi is a little panic, while the body is backward.

"Well? Master, how do you find it."

"Want to know? You can also find someone else to see a matter of time, see what the other party reacts."

"However, no matter what reaction, in short, a madness will not show this situation."

The moon said to see Zhou Yanyi. "Do you say it? The madman's mind has problems, and how can I be afraid?"

Zhou Yishi wants to make it again, but if the moon is separated, she has gone to the reaction.

"Ok, don't play, otherwise I will make you really turned it!"

Zhou Yu was originally prepared, and the sound of the sound, and he looked at the moon.

"If you don't believe, you can try it." Moon said calmly, the corner of his mouth picked up a little.

"Oh, it's amazing!" Zhou Yanyi came with a struggle to struggle and did not plan.

"Fengcheng, you are very bold? At this palace, you have not found you to kill the enemy, you will send it directly to the door?"

The moon is ignored, the face is ridiculed, the tone is faint: "You haven't figured out the situation? Do you think I will kill you, still don't dare to kill you?"

Zhou Yuri felt that the moon was killed on the body, and the heart suddenly tight, busy: "You dare! I am the emperor of Yunlong!"

"If you dare to move me, is it to be enemies with Yunlong?"

"Do you say that I dare not dare?" The month was turned cold when he was a breath, and his eyes became deep.

Next, Zhou Yuli's body is not from the autonomous automatic to the moon, and it cannot be controlled at all.

The month will lift her neck with hand. As long as the month is a little bit, the results can be imagined.

Feel the indifference of the opponent's eyes, already murderous, Zhou Yanyi's heart also can't control the trembling.

When Chamon suddenly turned over, satirical: "When idiot, the emperor is very great?"

"Don't say, my master is the emperor's future daughter-in-law, is the heart of Yun Tai, it is better than you, the emperor loves you? Does he care about your life?"

He is very clear, and the Yunhuang is only love the queen.

Zhou Yuli's face is ugly, it was scared, and a slightly pale face, at this moment is difficult.

"You said! What do you know? Emperor of course love this palace!"

"Love?" Talking is the moon, the corner of the mouth, the irony in the eyes make Zhou Yanyi can't help but feel embarrassed.

Even she knows that she is no position in Yunhuang, but she still doesn't want to admit.

The moon is from the hands of the hand, and it has also increased one point, so Zhou Yuli is not breathing.

"You have no way to deceive people, but ... even if the emperor is interested in you, how can you think that Yunlong Guo's safety is more important than your child's life?"

"If Yunlong Guo is really for you, I will be afraid? My group of Saint Beasts is enough to destroy a big door, let alone, I still have Lingzong, my master support, do you think I will be afraid?"

"Moreover, who knows that you are murder? Who saw it? Oh."

Zhou Yuli's face is increasingly ugly, this is not anger, but afraid, it is really afraid.

"Since you don't cooperate, I have been useless. That's going directly." The moon left, and the hand was added again.


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