After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 3088, you don't believe it!

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Zhou Yanyi also revealed the colored colors. "Although I heard that she is Qian Ziya, but it is very strange, she actually asked me when I became the Queen of Yunlong."

"When is the prince who is born, how is it dead?"

Green Mutan can't help but whisper, "master?" What is also implied in the eyes.

In the eyes of green wood, the other party is likely to be Qian Ziya. After all, he also knows that there have been no return to Yunlong, after the disappearance of Qiansi.

It is very likely that month, the month, she is expected to be, she is again missed.

Nowadays, mysterious women, since they will ask, ten nine nine are thousands of purple.

I didn't say anything, my mind, please raise your hand to tell him, don't talk about Zhou Yanli, I didn't interrupt her.

Zhou Yuli continued to say: "I certainly thought it was angry. After all, Qian Ziya has died for so many years, how can it suddenly appear?"

"Moreover, if she is she, how can she not know this?"

"I think that the other party is definitely a fake, but the sound is like, but I quickly found me wrong."

"The woman saw me, just raised his hand, I couldn't move anything."

"Then she will go to me ... good, so cold ... I am very scary, I am afraid, she is ... she slowly puts the face on the face ..."

Zhou Yuli said, and actually entered the fear of self, as if they were once again.

The moon is just quietly, listening, I have been thinking about it.

Zhou Yuli suddenly screamed, and it turns out: "No, how can she be her? She is clear! How can I live again ..."

"She put her hand on my face, coldly born, and her eyes were dissatisfied ..."

"I remember that she said to me, if I don't tell my truth, I will kill me."

"Later, I said, I said, but she still didn't let me, oh ... she cut my right hand, and I watched my face."

"Ah !! Why is this to me! Hey ..."

The moon is still in the face, slowly: "So, you are sure, the other party is the same, the sound is the queen?"

"Yes! She is a ghost! It must be a ghost! It is a ghost ... she is back to revenge, I didn't kill her, people are not murder."

Zhou Yuli continued to repeat his head, and his eyes took a silk scarlet, it was really like crazy.

"Do you know how it is finished?" The month asked her again.

When I heard the moon, Zhou Yanyi hurriedly nodded. "Finished, finished. You promised, I will not kill me."

Although she is eager to ask, but the heart is thinking, as long as she is not dead tonight, I will definitely die tomorrow!

Otherwise, it is difficult to understand today!

"Master, what should I do now?" Queu asked.

"Do a clean point." The moon has a faint glance.

After the Qing Mu said, he walked to the outer hall, and suddenly stopped, turned to Zhou Yuli said: "I hope that you have not made a lot of sins in this life in our lives, and there is a chance to take a tire, at least you can re-do people."

Zhou Yanyi woke up, looked up to the green wood in front of the face, and the heart suddenly shocked.

"You don't believe it! You said that you don't kill me! You ..."

"If I am really putting you today, with your sex, you will definitely find a chance to send people to kill me, isn't it? Although I am not worried, I am afraid of trouble."

The moon is over, cold and cold, and turn around to leave the bedroom.

"You! Feng Town! You don't believe it! You will not die!" Zhou Yuli angry and afraid, she can't manage so much.


When a loud slap, I was smashed on her face, and Zhou Yuli was instantly ignited.

Green wood is cold and deep: "If you want a word, let you can't even make it!"

"Moreover, my master is said that I don't kill you, but I kill you!" Qingmu bruises.


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