After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 3110 This woman has no problem?

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Muronghua listened to the moon, "you, you know?"

On the exit, Murong Hua immediately responded, "It's you! Is you doing a hand feet inside Dan?"

"Yes, it is definitely your ghost!" Murong Hua suddenly came to face, his eyes, almost eaten the month.

No matter how terrible in Muronghua, the moon is still standing quietly.

"I want to kill you!" Muronghua couldn't control the inner anger. Now there is only one thought in the brain to be away from the millennium.

This is also the case, she also doesn't matter in the appearance of Dantian, she is ready to make a man who enlighten her eyes.

Just, the more I want to force, but the more I feel the spiritual loss in the body.

Muronghua is more panicked, and suddenly, it is afraid, "No! No, my repair! Don't."

"All told you, let you not be impulsive, the more excited, your hole in the Dantian will be more big, the spiritual power can't save, the leak will be fast."

The moon said calmly, and she still took the stool and took the stool.

This makes Muronghua's more impairment, and then pays attention to the image, pointing to the moon and roaring: "Who are you dare to hurt the palace!"

"You don't die without the whole body? I tell you, if I die, you are absolutely not alive! Do you think you are here?"

"How do you know me?" Moon is gently hooked, "Muronghua just did you agree to help me? If you can do it now, I can put you a horse."

How can Muronghua now believe?

The heart is already able to affirm the things asked by the other party, and it will not be a good thing, even in the brain, another possibility ...

"what do you want me to do?"

"You don't mess ..."

Oh ... monthly left black lines instantly slid down, this woman did not have problems?

"You think more." The moon is cool, and the face is also obvious.

Muronghua is a lifting, isn't it what she thinks?

The moon is separated: "Trouble you awake, even if this son is really good, you will not find a mother who is already a 20-year-old child."

This makes Murong Hua's faces, "What do you want to do?"

"It's very simple, you can do it." The moon said faintly.

Muronghua is close to the moon, waiting for her back.

I suddenly opened again, "I want you to die."

Muronghua's face is black, "you dare!"

"I am now at this time. Why do you think I don't dare?" The moon said smiles, but the bottom is a cold.

At this moment, the other party is still not dare?

Muronghua is a serious injury, and her man is obviously prepared, and she can't inform Wei Wei at all, and I have panicked in my heart.

Thinking, Muronghua is still open, but it is asking: "Who are you? At this palace, there have been people who have never had to come from the border city, and it is more likely to have grievances. Why do you want to die?"

The moon is revealed on the face, slowly said: "Who is telling you that I am a border city?"

"You ... you just clearly ..."

Muronghua said that he can't say it.

So, more determine your own guess, the other party's big returning Dandu can be a handsheld, but why not?

"Hey, it is a blessing of the second emperor of the heart. This brain is still very smart." The moon is slightly driven.

Working, the moon is laughing and asking: "It's better, you guess who I am?"


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