After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 3112 and my aunt? Also match?

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! However, Muronghua did not obey, although it hurts in the body, she wanted her own ideas to dig my heart.

And the feeling of headache, the heart is also shrinking at this time, but it is very good.

But she is already strong, and she is not allowed to leave.

After alleviating some, I was laughed: "Threate the Palace? Do you think that this palace is scared?"

"Hahaha! You don't know how people are in this palace, you can threaten your little poison?"

Murong Hua immediately began to replay in his hand, so soon, took out a Dan medicine bottle.

Lingfeng Time: "Master?"

"Nothing, let her eat well, let her die." The moon said faintly, it is completely unfamiliar.

So, I immediately had a white stone, which was just a shadow.

Murong Hua hurriedly opened the bottle, nor did it, directly to the mouth, and he was afraid that the month will stop.

Waiting for her to swallow, smile: "Oh! You have poisonan, I have a detoxification Dan, this medicinal medicine is that the national teacher is given, the level is better than your poisonous Dan."

"The Normal University is really good to you." The month returned to the sentence.

Muronghua screamed, "This is nature, he is not only a national teacher, or the Master of the second emperor, you think it is Yun Wei comparable? Even if he is a prince? Isn't it alone?"

"What is the use of the emperor? Emperor's own status is difficult, still want to protect him?"

The disdain on the face of Muronghua is also very obvious, and my heart is more proud of my son.

"It's not the palace, I will rely on the orphan of the mother, but there is no mother's forces support. If you cultivate the power, you really think that he can comfort the prince? Then the inheritance of success Royal? "

"Oh, God! Just relying on him? I also want to compete with this palace. It is a delusion!"

I can't help but pin your eyebrows, "Just your son, with my aunt, also match? Hey!"

"Just, the talent is not to say, the strength is also, there is, and the mind is not right. He is not compared with our ambestity." Ling Feng also attached.

The moon did not see the sound, but a pair of eyes have already been condensed, and the eyes are cold and look at Muronghua.

Muronghua heard two of them and didn't be angry. He only smiled a few times, and then said: "Talent? Strength? Hahaha! You thought that Yun Yuzhen was invincible in the stars mainland?"

"In this world, it is a strong force that can be directly crushed, just no appearance, but ..."

"Yun Hao is not far from the dead, those who can have been crushed, he is like crushed an ant,"

When the month is suddenly done, I immediately pursued: "What does your words mean? Who are those people? Where are they from?"

Muronghua couldn't help but show that her eyes showed surprised. What did you say just now?

In the face of the moon, she immediately shook his head, "No, I didn't say anything, no people didn't."

Her heart couldn't help but got a doubt. I really can't think that I will have some buried words in my heart.

Also, things about those people are not open to the outside, she actually mentioned.

The moon is not anxious, the finger is light and the chair armrests, I said: "Listen to your words, it seems that you are in addition to the national teacher, and others are helping you, what is this one? And those people The strength is still very powerful. "

"Even ... they are not a star mainland."


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