After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 3117 I still have another identity ...

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Muronghua's emotional excitement, constantly rebutting.

But the moon is just a touch of smile, which makes Muronghua more urgent.

"Okay, a quarter of an hour, I should go." The moon said, and the eyes gave it two people.

When the two suddenly, they would like Muronghua to control the control, and the moon is open to the porcelain bottle, and go to Muronghua.

"Last to you, the queen did not die." The month left, the corner of his mouth evoked.

When Murong Huatton exposed the appearance of the horror of the mouth, the bottom of the medicine poured into her mouth.

Murong Hua wants to spit out, but I think of the moon, I am excited and angry and roar: "Ah!!

"I see you is a well frog." The moon said indifferently, indicating that they let them let them go.

They immediately pushed, and Muronghua's body changed.

How long does Muronghua have a roaring after anger, feel that there is a burning sense of belly, as if it is hot.

When you are, your face is pale, horror.

"No ... You can't kill me! Ah !! Feng Town, you killed me, you also want to live!"

I can't help but laugh, "You seem to have already said a lot, you think if I am really afraid of death, or there is no trace of putting me, will it take risks this?"

"Muronghua, you are really innocent."

The month can not help but ironically laugh, "this emperor is also alive for the queen of tens of thousands of years. How do you live for a few decades?"

Murong Huattan's eyes angry, "Who is it? Who is you?"

Queen? This woman actually claimed to be Queen? The queen of the Star Mainland is not a country!

If the other party said that the identity is true, then she can't be on this continent!

At this time, Muronghua thought of one. If the other party is really a star mainland, how can you have a few beasts, a hundred beasts?

This kind of situation is not all illustrated, and she is indeed a person in this continent.

The moon is light and smile: "I am of course a phoenix city, but I still have another identity ... The queen of the gods, the wind is away."

Anyway, she is also dead, and the month is more desperate to let her die.

Queen of God?

Boom ... The brain is blown.

Murong Hua was obsessed, and his eyes were shocked to see the moon, which made her can believe that the other party will be the Queen of the Shenjie?

Also at this time, the face of the moon gradually turned into another.

During the country, the beauty is so memorable, even if she is a woman, she can't help but look.

This is also the true capacity of Muronghua to see the moon. Although I have seen the quilty of the queen, I still can't be one tenth of the real people.

But this face has this, but she has some acquaintance.

Murong Hua's efforts, this face is even ... it is ok! Yes!

"You ... you ... it is you ... ha ... haha! Lord ... the master, the subordinate, the subordination is found ... You have ......"

Muronghua voice is broken, the more you say more, but look at the eyes of the moon is unparalleled.

But her life is almost close to the end.

Her body was brought into two parts without waiting for Muronghua.

Muronghua is lying on the bed, on the ground, and she is the most in one, it seems that I want to say anything, but the sound has been made.

Even so, understand the moon of the lip language or understand, and the eyes are suddenly rowed.

"Someone is looking for me?"

Still, looking for her mother ... Xia Qing Yu?


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