Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Yun Zhao is also calm, and his eyes have a clear doubt, and the hand of Yun Yun is?

Those who have had a hobbier have long been designed to be dead, and there are several repairs left in the side.

Also, I don't know where there is from which it comes out, I can't detect, but he can affirm that even one of the two is, the mask is taken down.

Single saying is not right.

"It's impossible! How can you be in the hands of Yun Yun? This emperor has never seen you!"

The month did not hold back again, "Hey? When the second emperor said this, have you ever had a brain?"

"My family is under the hands, you know? Who is my family? Who is there is a hidden forces? You really have to die in the hands of the Prince?"

When I said this, I will not ban the fire in the heart, I think about it, if I am not ejection, I am afraid of other accidents, the cloud is really dead.

Yun Zhao suddenly said that the moon is blocked and can't be said, can only look at her.

Wei Wei left the moon, and finally stopped in the blocked barrier, staring at the moon.

The moon didn't dodge, just stood with her.

Looking at it, Wei Wei's eyes were all over the accident, slightly eyebrows: "What is your name?"

I didn't know what she saw, I always felt that I had a moment of expressions, I can't say blame.

I am worried that my easy is not to be passed by the other party, but I don't think it should be, I use it.

Although there is no topic in the past, you can cover up with a breath, but it is not easy to easily see it.

I heard Wei Wei once again, and the month was suddenly turned into a name, and immediately calm down: "When the next name is called Diyan."

Wei Wei is suspected: "Siwu?"

The moon is immediately nodded, "Yes! My Passer gives me from the prince, Si Yan."

The moon did not think that her said Si Yan, the 'thinking' understanding with Wei Wei is simply different.

"Well, let's go!" Wei Wei suddenly said.

This makes it more surprised not only to be surprised, but Yun Zhao and others are more surprised, but the moon is still surprising.

I didn't expect the other party so easy to let yourself go?

"Fairy adults! Can't! He killed the murderer of my mother, even if my mother is sorry, but she is also the people who have a poor palace!" Yun Zhao is unwilling to let go of the front of the man.

The heart is anxious, if it is really letting him, I want to find this person next time.

The man hidden after the residual wall, the eyes are also unwilling, but always controls no exposure.

Several other cars, "Fairy adults, this is not something wrong? This ... no matter what, Hua Tuo is also our people ..."

"Yes! Adults, if you put him so, he is right with us in the future, isn't it to put the tiger return?" There is an advised.

Wei Wei swept them, "You are enough?"

"Amount ... Disciple ..." Several people were suddenly swept by her eyes, and they were not afraid to be impossible.

"This fairy is doing things, what is the one who comes to others? Even if the old man is coming, I don't dare to tell me a chance!" Wei Yu is cold, and the face is also ugly.

In addition to Yun Zhao, other few days, I am asking for mercy, "Fairy is angry, it is the disciple of the disciple."

Next to a look at Yunzhao or a face, I don't dare, and I hurriedly gave him a hint.


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