After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 3141, girl, apologize!

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! The people who practice are naturally keen, and the phoenix dances that the man speaks, and the face is more ugly, "" What is you doing with your grandmother? "

Male speaking man can't help but say so, can the other party actually hear?

But listening to Feng Dance, the man's face is micro-minister, directly reprimanded: "How do you talk? Little boy, just like this, your parents have not teacked you, what is a polite?"

At first glance, these two actually argued, and suddenly looked up and looked up.

"But I have always been so, I have been this. This uncle, but what is you?" Feng dance directly, but she could involve her parents? "

There is nothing, but at this moment, Feng Dance is really fire.

The month can not help but take the brow. It is not a way, and it is not a way to pull the phoenix dance.

Phoenix dance is unhappy, but will not stop the moon.

The month is the next step, it is preparing to open with the opposite man.

It can be left in the moon, and there is a woman's voice first.

"This girl, this is your right, Daxie did not face you, but why did you talk about?"

After the woman was finished, she came out of the crowd. He followed a group of people behind him. It was also a middle-aged man, and his face was cold, and the eyes of the phoenix dance were not happy.

Others behind, there are two middle-aged men, four five young men, united, the disciples of the basin.

Month, take a look at these people, and the eyes are moving, and suddenly the heart: Is this a fate? I guess it will meet.

The speech is a five-day, and the face is cold, and the eyes of the phoenix dance are not full.

As one of them is of course a man, a person who came, immediately, "Miss, how did you come over."

"I didn't see you, I went back to find, I didn't want to see someone bullied my uncle." The woman talking, and the eyes looked down in Feng dance. The bullied people mentioned in this words, she said her .

After the ribbon, the rim of the rim stood came out to refer to the phoenix dance. "Little girl, who knows who you guilty? Advise you, it is best to apologize."

"Yes! It is best to apologize, otherwise, don't blame our bubbles to bully a girl."

The surroundings, suddenly discussing.

When everyone looked at this scene, they didn't expect that this looked at the uncle of clothing. I didn't expect people to be a basis.

This now seems that there are so many people in people, and the girls in front of them are to suffer.

"Girl, apologize!"

"Yes! Hooles don't eat your eyes, and you will have an apology to others."

Everyone's seven-tongs persuasion, and the watershed, a woman is headed, and almost faces a sense of contempt.

Just now, the 'Bi Uncle' of the mouth of the phoenix dance, did not open, just looked at Feng Dance.

Is this waiting for Feng Dance?

See this situation, the phoenix dance is coming up, "" If you apologize? He is right? How do you have more people, what you want to bully? Ben, you are afraid of you! "

"Want to fight? Come here!" She is a hot child, how can she be wronged.

A Middle-aged man in the basin of the basin, I came out of cold face, "I said, are you not willing?"

Feng Dance is going to be in the past, but the month is stopped, and then the opening: "I don't know what the basin is what these few people mean?"

At this time, others noted the moon next to them, the appearance is ordinary, but the temperament when speaking is somewhat special.

"Finally, please advise you, some people are not your ability to be guilty, it is best to obey, or ..." Wu Jigang said to the month, and the eyes are full of cold light.

The knife on your hand moves, so obvious, how can you not understand.


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