After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 3155 What is the medicine sold in her gourd?

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! After the doubts of the doubts, I looked at the eyes, and I looked at the Yue Yue, I couldn't help but ask: "What is the big lady just refer to? How do you not understand?"

"Hey, Bi Uncle doesn't need to understand." Shu Yue mood said very good.

This makes him with Li Xiyuan, and suddenly it is even more unsubstably.

Although Wu Jang didn't understand, but the heart is still happy, as long as this master is happy, his strength is definitely less.

Shu Yue is getting precise, the cold scorpion lights down the disciples, the tone is light: "Everyone, I will know how much I know the current situation in the basin?"

There are many disciples under the stage, and the expression is hesitant, but it is still nod.

Some people hesitate to open a mouth, "know ... I know."

"Since I know, the lady will not say anything more, just, some words still need to be clear." The Shu Yueyue is cool, and those people are light.

"Although the Taizong of the basin, there is a primary owner killed by the other party, and even the basin of the basin has been placed on the top two of the Star Mainland."

"And ... through this, the basin from the disciple to the elderly."

"I know, there are many people in you, I also want to go in my heart. Then, this lady is about to say, whoever wants to go, now stand up, Zongmen will open you."

The disciples and those elders listened, and they were surprised to look at Shu Yue.

Even if you gradually beat Li Xiyuan, "Miss? Do you want to do it?" Li Xiyuan hurriedly.

"I know what you are thinking, but please feel free, I have my intention, it is never chaotic." Shu Yue calm.

Wu Gang is worried, can't help but speak: "Adults, if someone in these disciples really choose to leave, isn't there a lot?"

"That is left." It doesn't matter when Shu Yue is done.

After several other elders, he wanted to see Shu Yuyue, seeing the other party is not like a joke, and he can't help but urgently.

Immediately gave Wu Gang, let him persuade.

Wu Gang can only have a hard walkway, "adult ..."

Just didn't wait for him to say, it was hit.

"You shut up, try again." Shu Yuyue's cold eyes suddenly swept, cold cold, let Wu Gang will be trembled.

Wu Gang's mouth is closed, I don't dare to say a word.

After graduation, he will talk to Li Xixuan, but there is still a doubt in the eyes.

Shu Yueyue looks at the bottom of the disciple, no opening for a while.

At this moment, the disciples are different, or surprised unexpected, there is also a nervousness.

More, what is the discussion of the ever, but there is no one to make a choice.

Si Wei stood on the side of the incident, observed this, and looked at Shu Yue.

At this time, next to an out of a woman, it is just the female disciple who just laughed, and it was just the place where she was served with her.

She suddenly said quietly: "What medicine you said, what medicine she sells in her gourd?"

"It is temporarily uncertain, let's take a look again." Si Wei shook it gently.

"You said that this adult let us choose what do you mean?" Some disciples said whispered.

Some people immediately open, "If you say, will you want to try our faith? If we choose to leave, will it be directly killed?"

At this time, many disciples next to suddenly suddenly breathed the mouth, "No?"


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