Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! "Yes?" The high yuan smiled, slightly read the eyes, "The elderly wishes the two long old to break through the bottleneck, but also defeated fire early."

The second elders are covered, and they are pulled by the long and old old people. I can't break away, and I can only blink up toward the high yuan.

Other elders can not help but help, the five elders and six elders are not good at this time.

Lu Yan voice slightly said: "Since the city is already coming back, wait for her to come back to do planning, but everyone is still ready, the other person is not good, is it really only let the allure of the city can come out Solve, there is no necessarily. "

After saying these, Lu Yan directly got up.

I thought it was finished, it followed, from Lu Yan's anger roaring from Lu Yan outside the temple.

"Tie the two elders that blending things to this zone! The principal personally fined!"

Lu Yan's voice, trembled the whole hall.

Those long-term repairs are slightly lower, and the face can't control it.

The second elders stayed when they were suddenly looked at the three elders, "I ..."

"What are you doing you? I have told you a few times. Don't be impulsive? You will be able to wait!" The big elders straight to the two elders.

And the three elders are also very hated. He is not a steel. "When did you learn the hossip of the old four? Is it as impulsive as him?"

"You will be beaten!" Three long said finish, helplessly grabbed his arm, and suddenly appear on his hand, and did not say anything, and started to bundle him directly.

The old man also helps, grabbing the two old couples.

The second elders are depressed: "Are you coming?"

"Strap! When did the host have such a fire? Since his last place, this is the first time!" The elders couldn't help but yelled.

This makes the second elders instantly, but soon turned to the head and look at the high yuan on one side, and the airway: "Why don't he go? This is unfair!"

The high-yuan language is light: "The two long said that the old man can't dare. The old man has always been stunned. The primary is a distinctive person. Who is wrong, he is naturally a lot. Older, I wish you good luck, I hope that there will be no more attention to you. "

Although he seems to be a serious saying, he is obviously a smile in a smoked.

"The two old, still accept the punishment! Advise you to talk next time, don't be so impulsive." Liu Hu also said.

The old elders they have bundled the second elders, and when the two elders want to open again, they directly put them in their mouths.


"What is it?" The three elders did not say good luck, and immediately, no matter what others, they took someone and looked outside.

The big old old turned to look at the high yuan, faintly smiled: "The old man is in this day, nothing is called, and it is already a bit amazing. I haven't asked the paternal tower of the truth, and suddenly, I still have to ask. Good way, the old man is really for the old man. "

"Also let the two elders who have always been stabilized, and it is really unexpected to be personally punished by the primary." The old man fell, and the sleeve moved to the main hall.

The elders can't help but remind some other elders, some people are also surprised to see the old old old.


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