After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 3189 'Feng Town' comes 1

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! There are still other people who are somewhat uncomfortable. The tall is not a case, seeing the Lu Yanway: "Zone, think?"

Lu Yan Shen face, "Okay, don't quarrel."

Lu Yan said, the three elders were brought to the old age, walked a few steps forward, for Shu Yueyue: "This girl, I am going to do three thousand people, and my life is only a moving hand."

"But you should also want to clear, Ling Zong's status of the whole continent is also special, the so-called Mission, you should understand."

Li Xiyuan's strength has also suddenly increased, "What do you want to say? Can you kill it? So I promine to kill everyone!"

"Uncle Li, enough." Shu Yue suddenly looked at him, "but it is only an ant, there is no meaning, let it!"

Li Xiyuan did not immediately release his hand, but said: "Miss, these people don't cooperate, if you don't do something ..."

"What is the trial? What is the trial? How so many people here?"

Suddenly, a female voice came.

Ling Zong people heard this speech, could not help but hurry to look at the road to Shangshan.

I saw a tall woman in Tsing Yi, with a silver butterfly mask on his face, walking on a step.

Although there is no real capacity, but this mask, there is this voice, and who can you speak this?

"Fengshi sister?"

"Allure?" The old old man was surprised.

Lu Yan is surprised to look at the people, "All the city? How come you come back?"

"Xiaoyuan (sister from the sister)!" Yan Shiqi and the red art were seen, and suddenly stopped.

One of the hands of Wu Gang's side, the first man can't help but immediately look at the left side.

The eyes are clearly asked, "Who is she?"

The other party looked at the eyes and calmly replied: "Ling Zong's people have already shouted, Fengqing City."

"Ah?" The right man suddenly shocked, immediately looked at the 'Fengcheng City', and looked at him again, and he didn't hear it wrong.

But people did not continue to pay attention to him at all, continue to look at the approachable woman.

Shu Yue Yue's eyes can not help but condense, "She is a phoenix city?"

Wu Gang hurriedly bowed, and then looked at the reaction there, even busy, "adults, it is her! She is a phoenix city!"

Li Xiyuan and Double Winter Couldn't help but face the eyebrows, "the holy level?"

"Go away! Go!" Hongyi hurriedly shouted.

"Hey! Go? Where is she?" Wu Gang smiled.

' ' followed: "Walk? Why? I received the news, saying that my Master is coming back, there is a hurry, I want to come back." Think about this, suddenly, my eyes look at the layer Transparent barrier, "how much, are you ...?"

"What? Someone tells you the old ancestor?" When the old man suddenly was surprised, he immediately looked at the tall, pointed to him anger: "What you said is to the city, what is your heart?"

The three long bodies have a great trip, "he is at all, you want to dinner!"

Lu Yan faces a bit, and icy icy looks at the tall, "you better explain this principle."

"So said, my seniors have not come back." The "Feng Town" asked again.

"Of course, there is no! It's a stinky old man to lie to you!" The Xiakuni pointed to the high yuan, almost rushed to the past.

Fortunately, Lu Ziyue followed Lu Ziyan, "Yu girl, don't impuls, you still have hurt." Lu Ziyue hurriedly advised.

Shi Ni is very unhappy, "Don't let me have a chance, or you can't fix this little person!"

The tall did not feel panic because of the lying of the Saver, but laughed: "If you don't say, how can the old man make sure that she will come back? Everything is done for the sake of spiritual, ..."


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