After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 3237, behind the scenes

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! The five elders have sigh, watching should shake his head: "You! It's too impulsive, some things are not caused by this situation, now you can not revenge, but also The trap of the traitor allows you to use it. "

The big elders look clear and slowly said: "Now, who can't save you."

It should be laughing in Wu Ming, but smiles and tears follow over, holding the scorpion.

"Ha ha ha ... I am stupid, it's really stupid ... ... , how can I be so stupid ..."

A big man, but cries in the face of everyone, crying to tear the heart.

Some people expressed sympathy, and some people think he is self-sufficient.

The moon looks indifferent to the eyes, and there is no fluctuation in the eye.

"Gao Long, what do you think about this?" Moon suddenly turned to the head to the tall.

The high-end name of the sudden name, the gods, and the eyes of the eyes did not understand: "I don't know what the phoenix is, I don't understand."

"If you do it, you are him, how will you do it now?" The month is away from the hands of the hands, and a good intention is good.

The high-yuan brow is slightly, and the eyes have a doubt, "I? How do you assume? This is always the old, he is him. This can't assume."

The moon is hooked with cold, "Is it? If you do it, I will tell you now, I dare to understand me, I don't want to think about it."

The high yuan suddenly smiled and headed, "Well, the teacher said."

The moon is returned to the line of sight, seeing should Wusong: "I will ask you now, can you like to tell you?"

When I was sad, I heard the month, I suddenly stopped crying, I saw the moon. At this time, I was less hated before, and I have more embarrassment.

Then slowly open: "I am previously me misunderstood, I'm sorry, if you can make up for the fault, you ask! As long as I can answer, I must tell you!"

In his opinion, it is the most likely to kill the rain, it is a black man who gave him a scorpion. The hate in my heart also turned to the black man.

"When did you see where the adult see is the first face." Yue left the mouth asked him, asked this, you can also look at the high yuan. "

The high-yuan is faint to look at him, and the look is not nervous, and it is still very calm.

At the time of Wu Ming, I wanted to say: "Two days ago, I have two days ago, I have been suspicious of you because Wu Jing said. I believe that you have killed light rain, and I have been very contradictory. When I walked to Ling Yufeng, I suddenly had a black man. "

"It's strict, he told me that he has witnessed you under the swamp forest in the swamp forest. He is after you leave, and he got this scorpion."

At the time of Ming Ming, the heart is also an uncomfortable, and the hand holding the scorpion is not conscious.

When the moon was blocked, he crossed a doubt. "After the trial, Ling Yufeng hunshan ..." suddenly looked at Wu Ming, asked: "The man can tell you, the murdere of his hand ? "

It should be headed by Wu Ming, "Yes." He said, "He said that after the rain in the rain, they were announced from the Zongmen. She left the camp, you also followed the past, then find the chance to harm him, It is used in poisons that use the millennium to ablate, destroy the dead. "

"When you kill people, I have said that I have dare to marry your waste. After you see you, you can still live well, this is the reason you want to kill."


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