After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 3243 High Yuan VS Lu Yan 1

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! The moon is faint to look high, "So, his original plan is to make Wu Ming to do the kids, and he can take the opportunity to pull the land of the land, he sit on the upper place."

Liu Hu is busy nod: "It was this, but ..."

Liu Ti said, a word, looked at the direction of the two people, "I didn't expect, later because of the problem of the basin, because of your brothers and sisters, let him change the plan, original It kills you directly, and later become a leader, remove you. "

"If you are in the face of all people of Lingzong, it is also human in the basin of the Lingzong's site, so that Lu Zong is unobstructed, let him be accountable."

Shu's brand is instantly cold, "It's just that we dare to calculate it." Said, the cold scorpion immediately gave a high yuan.

The high yuan hurriedly shook his head and denied it.

After the long winter is cold and cold: "When it is really not afraid of death."

Lu Yan said: "In order to climb the position of the host, it is really everything. You can think about it. If you really don't let people live in Ling Zong, you really think you can sit. The Lord of the Lord? "

"You are so selfish, and the Master did not pass the position of the master."

This seems to poke the pain of the high yuan, and the high departments are angry when they are full of horror, and they are full of unansing and anger. It is also trying to say anything.

There is a shock of the high yuan in the side, and there is no trustworthy.

The people of Lingzong are still very surprised.

The old veteran follows the three elders to come out while looking at him coldly.

Looking at him at the old age, "if the city has already prepared, let us cooperate with the Zong Lord to play a play, I am afraid that it can't be so easy to let you show the horse."

I heard the words, when the Gao Yuan suddenly stunned, at this time, the crowd also came back.

"High yuan, you can't think of it?" The two elders came out, smiled and looked at him, and the eyes were obviously ironic.

The red art seems to come, suddenly throws the dragon and flying night, runs to hold the second long old left to see the right, excited: "Master! You are fine! Haha! It's great."

"Silly children, Master is of course nothing." The second elders smiled and touched her head.

The three long and old suddenly smiled: "You really thought that the old two was beaten? Oh, just let you relax, think that the main is really believed, and point out what you said. Just like flying night, but doing Do it. "

The other elders of Lingzong are also unexpected, and the outside door is old: "It is actually played! I actually believed."

"Yeah! I also believe it."

Longfei night gave a lot of high-yuan upside down, caressing the lower: "You are the main minister of this Less, the more you don't have anything, the more you are the most heartbeat."

"Your dragon is not so early?" Ink white smile.

"Dragon home? The few can be very active." Longfei night looked back.

Lu Yan shouted: "Take it in his mouth."

The high yuan laughed a few times, looked at the two elders of the unwanted, and looked at Longfei night and ink, "Good! Good! Good!" After talking three good words, the high yuan did not open continued .

"Take him! Take back to Zongmen." Lu Yan suddenly came out.

From the rear, jump out of a team guard and enclose the high-yuan group.


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