After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 3250, what do he want to dispose?

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Forgot to look at the things in her hand, a slightly tie, immediately took the quantity, "this thing ..."

Seeing that this reaction seems to be impressive, the moon is immediately asked: "But it is recognized?"

"No." Forgot to swear directly, but immediately said: "But I have seen this 'beast' map."

"Really?" "The month is surprised to ask," Where can I remember? "

I have some old, "Indeed, in my Master."

"Your Master?" Moon feels some unexpectedly.

I can't help but laugh, "Well, I haven't always seen the portrait of this carving in his study."

Month, I took the carvings and looked at it. He started thinking.

Forgot to see this, and then: "You will not think, this is also related to my Master?"

"No." The month shook his head directly, how to say that Su Zhen people are also his brother's savior, more, or his master's old friend.

In any case, she will not be suspected when there is no absolute evidence.

Perhaps, Su Zhen people are also impact on this information about some related information.

"I am thinking, your Master may know about this matter." Moon left.

Forgot to see it, "Well, wait for him to come back, I ask him."

"Other findings?"

The moon is located in the eye, "Nothing, no discovery is nothing, the courage is ok."

The high dollar at this moment has been destroyed, and it is naturally impossible to pass the holy baby.

It is completely dead, but the moon is just now, and I will understand it naturally.

"Okay." Forgot to nodded.

"There should be no other thing here, I will go first, there is something to talk to my brother at any time, don't come hard."

Forgot to say, still have some relief, and lick the fine hair of his head.

The moon feels the warmth of his palm, and the brilliant smile is suddenly revealed. "Well! You will go! My sister knows the inch."

Forgot to worry about the mouth, it is slightly helpless.

The two people are almost, forgetting the worry, I also said a few words to Yuanji, just leaving a clear one.

Ming, they didn't forget to say respect for the month.

After leaving a paragraph, I just asked: "The master, isn't there anything, why don't you spend more than?"

"Yeah! Recently, Yunzi seems to be like it. How does the master don't speak more?" Mingcheng also said.

Forgot to worry, I am a little bit, I have a slight sigh of mind: "There is more important thing to do."

Mingcheng asked again: "The master, how do he want to dispose?" Said, look to Liu Hu, who was taken away by them.

However, Liu Hu is in a coma at this moment.

Forgot to worry, slowly said: "Wonderful, waiting for him to forget everything before, become ordinary people."

Mingcheng suddenly tall, Limao: "Is the drug that the master given is this role?"

"Well." Forgot to take a little bit.

Those who heard the words were also surprised, and there is such a drug in the world?

They are thinking, Liu Hu's body has gradually changed.

"The master, he seems to be a bit wrong." Looking at Liu Tiger in the Ming Shu.

Those who have rushed down and quickly see.

"Hey? His face is this?"

"What happened to this hand?"

Forgetting the worry, I immediately said: "It has been disappeared and naturally restored to the original."


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