After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 3253, I am called trust!

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! "Need me to go back? My family can get it in the old man, this is the same as a comfortable door." Longfei night was very casual, and then took a red art: "Moreover Where is my family, where am I! "

"..." Moon white is very spent with him. "If you don't do this, maybe we are still a brother."

After that, monthly ink is recovered to the disliked eyes, and they will come to the next month. "You come with me first!"

"I bother." Said the sound of the chariety.

Pulling the winter, I nodded.

I didn't say anything in Moon, and I went back and took them directly.

"What are we doing here?" Yan Xiaon looked at the other few people.

Longfei night thought, monthly, white is awkward, and suddenly the smile is even more winning, "go."

"Hey, what's wrong with you?" Lu Ziyue saw Lu Ziyi's direction in Wu Ming, and said: "Let's go back!"

"Well." Lu Zi nodded, although I feel that Wushen should be pitiful, but I think about the moon, I am still very pair.

I didn't have a while after several of them, I should blow it with a painful scream.

It is indeed the same as the original family.

Seeing people can't help but feel it, "this ... this is too terrible?"

The five elders shouted on the side.

Sigh, "Hey ..."

Not long after, there is only the guards of the guards of Lingzong.

The door is also cleaned up.

"Your old thing, don't pull me to hide this show, you said you, so, you are you apprentice, you don't worry at all?"

A small man from the gate from the door, a blue robe old man is slightly dissatisfied with the old white old man next to it.

This white old man is not exactly, is there a period of time?

"What do you know?" Yunyang didn't look good for him, "I am called trust!"

"I am very relieved to my family's book. What do you dare to see? Your worries are extra, salty eating radish."

The old blue robe is toned: "Hey? What do you mean? That's good, I still go!"

"That's it! The old man warned."

The old man fell to the sleeves, and the meteor was going straight to the direction of the mountain.

Yunyang saw this, and quickly slammed it in front of the old man, please say good: "Don't! Who let you go! Just now I said, hahaha! You don't misunderstand, don't misunderstand!"

"I sincerely please help, if you are gone, who I am going?"

The old blue robe has picked his eyebrows: "You have a matter, will you find people?"

"Okay, I have a big person, I still don't do it, anyway, I have never been, you promised me to help me!" Yunyang said, directly grabbing each other's sleeves put.

The old people in the blue robe saw this, couldn't help but move the corner. "How do I think you are more like a child?"

Although I said, the old man did not continue to tease him, just now joking.

Leave a smile, the look is serious, "Go!"

"Walk? You still have to go?" Yunyang bloused to blink.

See this, the old blue robe is not a good air: "You don't let me save people? Isn't it?"

Yunyang is a glimpse, "Hahaha! I almost forgot. Walk, hurry, no longer come, no longer come!"

So said, I immediately flew.

The other party can't help but feel speechless. "You also know that it is not too late? Who just died to pull me to turn to this sneak look at your apprentice? Also said 'trust'."

In fact, is it worried about half-death? Dance face.

Yunyang sighs: "Are you still not the same? Don't think that you don't know, you are also worried about your little apprentice."

The old man in the blue robe is a meal, and the sound does not speak directly.


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