Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! When the big old man suddenly got, I couldn't help but laugh. "I asked a child, how many times?"

"However, this time, the master will take the private hood, you see his little pain, afraid to be revenge." Three long said that I immediately picked up the cup, very enjoyed.

"Wonderful, first drink quickly, let's find the excuse to turn off tomorrow. If you have changed, you want to have forgotten it." The old man swayed, very easy.

The second elders immediately looked at him. "You have to make this, you are forgotten, this wine is more important." Said, talk, look, look at them, slow Sculpt: "Help practice. If I have not remembered, the main reason is approaching the threshold of the gods."

"As far as I listen to the small art, these wine can be a severner to see the city, in order to sprint the last level. But now ..."

The second elders said that he looked at the cups in front of them.

The two people are still happy, and the smile on the face is stiff.

"Why don't you say it early?" The three elders were shouting!

Immediately immediately looked back to Lu Yan, and there was a cold eyeliner.

When the three elders suddenly passed down, hurriedly transferred the line, holding the wine glasses, the two elders, "the second, come! Hard you, today is not your picture, the high-yuan guy is afraid that it is not so easy Relax. "

It is used as a two elders of the arrow card, and some speechless is slightly speaking.

At this moment, the epic faces sitting next to Lu Yan were somewhat bad, and the head immediately swayed, and went to her clothes.

"What's going on? I ... how do I feel so hot?"

Epic's cheeks appear abnormal red, while the temperature is high.

Lu Yanben thought that he was drinking too much, so he was drunk, but it was more abnormal body temperature, so he felt the iron.

At this time, even some mini-drunk Yuanji is also awakened, "What happened to Shizong?"

Liu Heng also swayed the eyes of the eyes, suddenly doubt, "he ... isn't it to be downtown? The face is so red, hahaha!"

Yuan Ji is busy: "Liu Qianzi said that it is drunk, and this wine we have drank, how can I have a single Scholar main problem?"

Liu Heng immediately played two cooking coughs, trembling near the history of history, smashed, "But his face is red! Hey!"

Epic's forehead also sesums with intensive sweat, blushing, from the heat scattered in his body, even a few long-lived old ages feel.

"What happened this?" The long worries hurriedly got up.

Three long lives have seen, "" Eat bad stomach? "

"Don't say." The long life is

Lu Yan immediately put the epic, said to the back, "Going to Many." Said, while the people took the house to the main hall.

Just got a few steps, Lu Yan couldn't help but stop, busy: "You come over to help, put him outside."

"Wow! It's so hot." The three elders took a person, and suddenly shouted.

"Intlaimed." Lu Yan said, and looked at the hands of his own History poeta, he was almost burned.

Announced a big water ball immediately, and it's so comfortable.

Three elders and old people shouted the second elders and the longevity, and the three were like a relay, and the faint epic gave the wind to the main hall. At the same time, the outerwear on him was peeled off.

But there is still no relief, and the temperature is still climbing.

"What is going on? Shi Gong is so hot, will not blame yourself?" The three elders are worried about epic.

"Hey, don't say!" When the old man suddenly became a sudden beginning, "How do we drink this wine is fine, the host is so?" Said that he immediately looked at Lu Yan, "Zone, what do you think? What is the problem? "

Lu Yan immediately shook his head, and his face was quite dignified.


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