After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 3265 is just Yuan god

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! "what is that?"


Anyone who sees is all in the double.

After Lu Yanqiang was shocked, he said: "Not a phoenix ..."

, "Is that?"

Yuan Ji took the answer to her, "Suzaku ..."

People who see this scene are almost stupid.

The sky is over, at this moment, there is a giant flamingo, and the shape is thick as a Phoenix, which is obviously different.

And this is the legend of the legend than the Phoenix family!

This scene is not just Lu Yan and others, or the elders of Lingzong, or some bold good disciples secretly run out of the house.

Even Lingxin Town is also a lot of people at the foot of Lingzong Mountain, but also to see the vision on the sky, try to close to Lingzong, but it is not allowed to be close, but it can also see this when Suzaki appears. .

"That is Suzako? It turned out to be Suzako?" Someone shouted.

"It's really Suzako? Don't you also be a contract beast of Miss Feng?"

Some people guess.

And when you come out, many people are sure that it is definitely!

Because they see that the month has been contracting a Phoenix, and there is a nine-tailed fox. If the contract is Suzaku, the possibility is not.

Everyone is excited, after all, is the legendary ancient god beast, can see the adventures that I have encountered in a few people.

The people in the crowd have been wrapped by a strict man who looked at the flamingo of the flashes, and the eyes were surprised: "Suzaki? It's already ..."

The man is a domineering that is seriously injured by the month. Of course, after being injured, it has been cultivated for a few days, and the injury on the face has not healed it.

"The master? This is a Suzaku?" The hand was surprised to look at the front.

Heartbe ahead, "Well." The color is slightly condensed.

"This, is there a helper? Then we ..."

I didn't wait until my wrist, and the heavenly raised hand stopped the other party to continue.

The sound is condensed: "If you don't have the entity, there is still some scruples, but now ... just Yuan God."


Several hands and next day, once again surprised.

"This is curious, how is this Suzaka here? How to raise this thunder."

Watching the words under the hand, even the proposal: "The master, we will go directly to see if you don't know?"

"If it is so easy, this seat will look at this?" Dawn coldly glanced down, and then he looked at the direction of Lingzong.

That layer protection barrier is isolated from his knowledge and cannot be entered.

Such a strong array, it is really worthy of Yunxianzun ...

If he is forcibly breaking at this time, he is afraid that stealing chicken does not erode meter.

Several hands feel that our master is not very good at this moment, and suddenly I don't dare to come again.

On the other side of the concealed position, Han Bingyu received his eyes, facing doubts, turned around: "Let's go!"

"Head, just go? Don't you pay attention to?" Chu An asked.

"No, this time, the spirit is blocked. Naturally, it will be prepared, and it is not commercially involved." Han Biyu said directly.

Chu Anne, chasing it again: "Head, when will you be cautious? This is just a civil continent, these Vanfei is also stronger, but the cultivation under the god level is, we will not be able to sneak into them. found."

"How do you know that the other party doesn't have a strong person will find?" Han Bingyu hopped, and his eyes looked at him.


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