Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Phoenix dance did not care, anyway, even if you know, you won't give it to it.

Naturally, it is also learned with month.

Bang! !

Suddenly a thunderstood interrupted their conversation.

Several immediate looks to the position above epic, the moon is moving, "After retreating."

Feng Dance quickly pulled the moon, and retired back.

And overlight lightning is also cleared at this time.

"The master, what is the problem?" Feng dance urgently asked.

The moon left the lightning drop, hit it on epic, but the epic did not respond.

Immediately shake, "there will be no things."

"But he seems to be drunk tonight, so that the promotion is determined to have no relationship?" Feng Dance expression can't help but natural.

Drunk and robbery?

I am afraid that the epic is only the poet that is not far from the world.

If this is the past, maybe it will also be a thousand people.

The moon is quite calm, and the tone is quite light.

"He won't have something, it is because of being drunk, only less concerns." The month is over, and it feels from two sights next to it.

Suddenly watching two, "How? Do not believe?"

Suzaki and Feng danced at the same time, "Do not believe."

The month can not help but laugh, seeing the second laury again, and epic is still sitting in the same place, the body is still not moving, hard-born off the thunder.

"There is a saying, the wine is bold, not to mention the epic, the body's sense of the body has changed, and he has drank so many spirits, the body function is improved, and the consciousness is also reduced Epic him knows that he is being robbed, the instinct thinks is a robbery, so he will sit now, and the energy is lighter with lightning. "

"But the feeling of pain is lower than the sober, and the reaction is too slow."

The moon received two unexplained eyes again, then laughed, "Next time, let you see, the body nerves who are drunk are actually paralyzed, how to play him, his reaction is not very strong It is accurate that it doesn't feel pain. "

This is also why many people are drunk, and they will fall inadvertently, or they have not been playing, but they will find that they have a lot of injuries on the next day. Pain.

Feng Dance, "So ... for Shi Feng, what he is drunk, is it?"

"The robbery is good, the ferry failed, everything is white." The moon is quietly said, and the line of sight is again on epic.

At this moment, the third thunder came down, the clouds of the sky were like slowly spread.

The moon knows that thunder robbery is not over, but it is a prenatal small dish, waiting until the cloud is again gathered again. At that time, it is the test of epic.

The surrounding air pressure is even more angry, and many people far are shocked by the scenes.

"I didn't look wrong just now?" The three elders were surprised. "Why is Suzaku to be out of the thunder, this is already very strange. But is it my eyes? This is all over a while, there is still thunder?"

"You didn't see it wrong, it is indeed thunder, but ..." Lu Yan is a little dignified, but there is no saying, because he is just guess, but it is very likely that he guess it.

Because the surrounding airflow has not stopped, it is still going to the Qingshi Peak.


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