After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 3286, the two girls are not dead

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! The month is the first tea first, and then slowly said: "This second is, I suspect that someone is ready to go to Shujia."

"What?" Shu Yue exclaimed.

After the downtown winter, he also exposed a surprised expression: "Feng girl, how did you determine?"

"Xiaoji, this matter is not small, who dares to move our comfort?" Shu Yue said very shocked.

The moon shook his head, "I don't know, this is just guess, but it is still good. You must do everything now."

Shu Yue solemnly nodded, "I am relieved! I will pay attention."

"Well, this thing you have received, this is my master to stand for me early, but I still can't use it now, you use it just right."

The moon said, and took out a porcelain bottle from his own ring.

"This is ...?" Shu Yue looked at the small bottle. Dipi Dong did not see the meaning of the moon, or asked not to be sure: "Is it ... Is it a medicinal medicine for Miss Jin?"

When I heard this, Shu Yue's reaction was reacted and immediately stunned.

If it is a medicinal medicine used to advance, isn't it ...

The moon smiled slightly and did not deny their guess.

See this, Shu Yue is shocked, and quickly swayed, "It'sfortable, I can't, I am the god-level Chinese! It is not the cultivation under the god level, you know how much it is rare in the promotion of the medicine above the God? Almost precious to the stone stone. "

"How can you give me casually? No! I can't."

The hands of the Shu Yue's hands are very firm.

The moon is unexpected, one is the reaction of Shu Yue, the other, she just heard three words.

"Hey? You just said that the stone, I suddenly reached a thing."

Shu Yuyue is busy: "What? You said."

"But I still remember, last night, the two appearance of the ordinary women in the street, after you have to leave the stone from her hand?"

I heard the moon from suddenly asked, Shu Yuyue followed the long winter two while showing embarrassing expressions.

"You ... How do you know?" Shu Yu Yue hesitated or replied. "In fact, last night is not right, just want to teach the two girls, but I didn't expect that she would have a stone."

"She put forward something to change, and later, I will let the flowers to find the two, and I don't want to make outsiders. I just want to ask the stone of the stone, after all, the shadow is too special and precious, people People don't know, but the gods are different. It is difficult to ask for a matter of concern, and they will bring out.

"I didn't expect them to hurt them. Who knows ... but it is smashed."

Shu Yue Yue's eyes appeared in the gods, and sighed. "I really didn't expect it, just a simple matter, it will make people."

After the completion of the winter, I was so comfortable: "This matter can't be full, don't be too selfless."

The moon suddenly said: "The two girls are dead."

"Didn't die?" Shu Yue looked at the moon with the completion of the long winter, and the Shu Yue said: "But the head is already ..."

The moon will be put down the porcelain bottle, and take a easy mask to the table.

After completing the winter, I immediately took my hand and I was surprised: "This mask is the girl who took out the stone last night?"

"It is." The month is nod, "the two are me and dance."

Shu Yuyue said that he did not speak when he was doctrual.

"Is it very unexpected?" The month is rising from the corner, watching them surprised, I can't help but laugh.


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