After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 3296, online, get down early

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! For the reasons why the ink said, I couldn't help but gave a white eye, and smiled coldly: "The natural beauty."


When the Moan expression suddenly solidified, the natural beauty? This word seems to be used to describe women?

"Ink, you seem to be very bored?" Yun said also got up at the same time.

"Emperor, I just saw that it was too quiet, so I wanted to adjust and the atmosphere, I don't know if you have something to tell?"

How to see how you look like this moment, smile is also empty.

Yun Wei's cool scorpion is light. "You go see if those people are still there, if it is still, it will not wait, directly solve it!"

"Emperor, if it is straight to hard, will it be astonished? If they find our identity ..." Moi is a little worried about Yun Yu.

The color is lifting, and then the receipt of his reception: "It is also considered some inappropriate. We have been waiting for a day, and those people seem to be here, and there is no other action at all."

He doubt that those people have contacted the people inside, and it is very likely that the current devil is also incorporated into the Ouyang Mo.

If they are hard to enter, they will surprise.

Yun Wei, of course, also understands what they mean, but he also knows that they can't continue.

"The longer the time drag, and it is more disadvantageous. They may have actions. If we are still outside, they will certainly be more passive."

"Don't act as passively, it is better to take the initiative. Even if you know?"

Yun Hao gouaves that there will be this day, and the seal of the gate of the devil has an exception that there will be this day sooner or later.

Since Ouyang ink is fighting with him, then it should be directly shot.

"Good! Since the emperor has decided, it will take a look at this." Mo Wei turned and disappeared.

: "Emperor, is your heart already planned?"

"The network will sprinkle it soon, and now it is time to collect." Yun Hao hooked.

For the inner ghosts in the devil. He has long wanted to solve it, but it has not had a chance.

This, Ouyangku is also an indirect to help him.

Seeing that he has a bamboo in his chest, he can't help but look forward to it.

Suddenly, the color is slightly changed, "the emperor, this star mainland has a lot of foreign forces, and it is considered that there is a certain weird, but according to your previous words, the gods and the hidden priest have appeared in the mainland. The news of the people who revived. "

"If you follow, you will think that these people are rushing to the master, but now, those are afraid of another purpose."

Yun Yu is full of cool, "" Natural is not all, because the Star Mainland has what they dream of. "


"The emperor is not sure what is." Yun Hao said, and his eyes suddenly looked at the ink, which appeared next to it.

"how is it?"

Mo Yi took a thing to them: "The emperor, it seems to be a strange thing, it seems to be something such as some forces, you can see this matter?"

Wen said, a few people look at the items in his hand.

Yun Yuyi can't help but confuse, then raise his hand and one, there is a word, it seems to be a token built by block Xuan Tie, and the back is a quirky picture, and a sickle runs through a hoe.


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