After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 3313 Human Horse has been outside the palace gate

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Yun Hao's mouth is hill, "There is such a loyal general, do the best of the prisoner, what is the imperial?"

"But ..." Si Yan still worried, but Yun Yuzhen directly raised his hand to continue.

"Well, I haven't seen the palace of the palace for a long time, I have been missing." Yun Yu has got up, and the side of the eye is over the side of the eye.

At the same time, the three hands showed an unexpected color, while opening: "Emperor ..."

"I know what you want to ask, yes." Yun Hao's mouth is slightly smiling, smiling is fine.

That is, a black shadow suddenly appeared, the sound is low, "the master, if you expect, some people can enter and exit the palace family, belong to make people look at it, in addition, the magic domain is more unidentified. People, I haven't found it, but I can definitely, the other party is not my magic. "

Yun Hao is full of color, it seems that people who quietly sneak into the devil are still a lot ...

"You and also send people to those people, there is any situation returned in time."

"Yes!" The black shadow immediately disappeared like a smoke.

"Emperor, should we meet with the palace family?" Si Yan proposed.

The ink is talented, "the palace is about this time, it is Ouyang ink, just this opportunity, put them in a pot."

"No, it is still not a time." Don't praise the same way.

"Why is it not a time? Since the people of Ouyang, since we will send it to the door, why not all?" Mo Wei said, followed by: "Take the palace family, we have waited for so long, is not waiting for evidence? Waiting for the best opportunity? "

"If you are going to get people at this time, is it a person to be a person?" Ink, you can't see Yun Yu, and you want to see what he reacts.

It's a pity that Yun Hao is faint, and he has not moved by him.

"You think that you can use the suspicious outside people, you can set the crime of the palace with the palace family? You can completely prove that they have ticked with Ouyang ink? The devil will fall to the palace? "

"If you are so simple that you are saying, the palace is not a palace."

Yun Yun said, go outside, immediately listened to him: "How long have you seen the scenery of the magic?"

See ... What is it?

Ink, the Mo Men is ready to deeply think that the topic he suddenly moves.

Si Yan looked at the eyes, "Don't you want to go shopping?"

"You guessed it." He said, suddenly showed a smile, then he went to the body and chasing the Yunyi.

"Shopping? Is there a mistake!" The ink is reacted, can't help but speechless.

"Let's go! I may have not taken a look at the devil for a long time." Si Yan's face revealed a brisk smile, grabbing the ink, chasing it.

The ink is very helpless, can not help but, "How many big men have a good thing?"

"No. Who is telling you how many big men?" Yun Yu suddenly suddenly, turned to see the ink.

In the mouth, suddenly revealing the horror of the eyes, "Huang! You should not want to take it away from the master, look for Yan Yan accompanied?"


I can't take the slap in the mouth, and there is a pair of cold eyes staring at myself.

"Yan Yan Yan? Are you too small? The emperor is it?" Yun said that he said, he turned himself.

The figure of Mo Yi wronned his head and went to the body: "The emperor didn't want to be ?"

A glimpse, "only you."

"Some of the devil emperor, the horse has been outside the palace gate." A man in a father-in-law is in a hurry.

Yun Yun nodded, "Let's go!"

"Human Horse?" Mo Wei immediately looked at the . "


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