Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! The surroundings are not a fool, hear this, the first reaction is shocked.

"What? Is there anyone dare to pretend to be our magic emperor?"

Changming face is also sinking, "I have this!"

Chang Ya Yan is angry with anger, "Who is it? It's so bold? It's impatient!"

Palace Pengyu's eyes moved, and immediately looked at the emotional excited.

Compared to the family, their palace is calm, but the palace can still be seen, she is angry.

Just, I was pulled by the palace to stop using my eyes.

The palace is soaked that the teeth are smashed with the teeth: "Some people in the magic are so arrogant, dare to give the Devil Emperor. It's time to die!"

"Okay, the emperor will decide. You are so angry, if you let him see, isn't it a loss?"

The Palace said, and his eyes swept with her.

At the end of the Palace, I hurriedly converges the face expression. I don't forget to pull the mouth, giving it my best to see the smile, ask the Palace, "Can you?"

"Well." The Palace said, and did not say anything else.

Just, the extent that the opposite is staring and can't help but draw a weird color.

"Two young masters, this ... The big grandfather will not be true?" Liu Zheng pulled the mouth, and the forehead black line slipped out, and it was very incomparable.

The mature scene has changed again, and the eyes are still looking at the exquisite thing in 'crying. I don't know how to answer the hand.

I've been almost returned to my words, "I ... I don't know."

"The Magic Empress, the man is so arrogant, can not let go!"

Suddenly someone sent an angry shout in the crowd.

It is followed by another person to shout, everyone is the same.

The clouds in the compartment have not immediately responded.

There are also many people in the magic and sisters feel angry, but the Devil does not open, they can only be expressed on the face.

"His Majesty! You have to do the owner for the grass people! The clerics of the grass people can't be tarnished by the other party, and the other party is still in the name of the Devil, that person is a sin, the death!"

The process is constantly talking about, as if there is anything.

The more he says, the more the people who don't know the truth behind it are true.

"His Majesty, you must be the Lord for this little brother, you can't let go of the bold big guy!"

"Your Majesty! Please host the little brother!"

For a time, the surrounding people are all speaking.

At this time, the mind is thinking is that, in this case, the Devo Emperor will take him back to the Devo Palace. You will have the opportunity to find him to explain, and must let the emperor who dare to claim to be the man who claims to claim Packed up with him!

This is what he thinks this, everything will go smoothly, and the face of the ink is not very good, followed by Qi Qi to see the car.

It's positive, clear, and then carefully open: "The emperor, this will take him away."

"Not anxious." Yun Wei finally opened, his scorpion in the car was cool, but his face was in the face.

When I was in a few hands outside, the door was suddenly opened.

I can't help but accidentally, and the voice of the sound of the door opened is a glimpse, and the collective is rushing to the car.

The departments are still crying, and they are immediately quiet, and they will take their efforts to see people in the car.

At this moment, the time seems to be stationary, and everyone is almost shaped.

The footsteps of the car sound, one step, two steps, three steps ...

Then, the body is tall, the man in black robe, stepped out of the car.


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