After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 3336, don't make trouble, come up

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Just even have a little hard, but Yun Yuyi still keeps a smile, and the hand did not return.

Again again: "Hey, don't make trouble, come up, rest assured, don't give you a name, the emperor will not be what you are."

The face of the silver fox has changed again, and it was completely covered by the .


"What? I didn't listen to it?"

"You didn't listen to the wrong, but I feel that I am full of blooming, I saw the side of our emperor so Wen Shuo?"

Aliering the way all the way, look at Yun Yu's direction, "No ... It's impossible ... How can the Mode of Emperor will be on the man ..."

The heart is very sad in the ink, but it is uncomfortable, but it is necessary to maintain calm and maintain the image under the cold hand.

They calmly calmly, and the mighty master of the master, and the man was attentive, and still a warm and affectionate look?

If this scene is seen from the master, it is afraid that their martial arts does not guarantee the image in her heart.

Si Wei is also somewhat unclear, but no matter what, naturally we must not remove their master's platform.

I grabbed the silver fox, and the other will push his waist forward.

The handed hands were immediately pulled by Yun Wei, while learing, the silver fox was taken up.

Silver fox hesitated, pay attention to it, did not pay attention, even hit it with Yun Wei.

The two are relatively, at this moment, the hearts of the silver fox are so crazy, glaring at Yun Yu, but the outsiders seem to have a deep look. '


"Do not!"

"How can our emperor ..."

At the scene, I saw this man shocked, and the woman was blurred.

There are still many suspicions that they have begun, they are not awake, "Isn't this really?"

Chang Ya can't help but look up his own position, it is sad to look at the 'a pair of monks on the Warcraft car, and tears are unconscious and flowing.

On the other side, Han Chengjun took the same as Han Zhu smoke.

Han Xi smoke grabbed Han Chengjun's hand and had a lot of force, and it gradually floated and angry.

"How is it possible? It turned out that the leader did not accept me, not because there is still a wind in the heart, but because he has already liked a woman, but ... but ..."

"No ... this is not true, ..., this is not true." Han Xi smog, the heart of the tears, the heart also tangled with a burst.

If you like a woman, she still has absolute confidence, but now I see the fact that the Devil likes the man!

How does this fight?

Han Chengjun was shocked to force, and then he was too painful by Han Zhu smoke, he reacted.

"Enough, I am not telling you, let you die early? You see, you are right!" Han Chengjun is not angry, but also distressed her, although it is blamed but there is no tone.

Immediately, "now looks at the true face of your Majesty, can you die?"

Han Ran's teeth are switched in the eyes, listening to Han Chengjun, did not answer.

"Whether you think now, but you have to be clear, compared to life, feeling a fart!" Han Chengjun said, looking at the Yun Yuzhen, and left and right, it seems to look for anyone, The last eyes fell somewhere, and a conspiracy smiled and immediately recovered.

The eyes turned, and immediately attached to the ears of Han Xi smoke, whispered.


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