After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 3338, the rise of the devil! Destroy the gods!

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! "The public will listen! The front intersection turns left, go back to the demon!" The blood magic shouted, all the magic sisters responded.

Chang Ya is finally can't help with tears, crying, "This is not true! Hey! Why is this this!"

Even the Korean like a smoke has been accepted, and the tears of tears cannot be suppressed.

Han Chengjun looked at the eyes, and I didn't know how to comfort, and she took her shoulder, "smoke, I want to open."

"How do you want to open? Hey ... how can I like to have a thousand years, how can I put down?"

"On the topography, I am more than the wind, but the woman is dead, but now, the CD is actually taken by a man. If it is playing, it will be counted. Nowadays, it is also announced that it is necessary to seal him. This makes me how to open it for a while? "

Han Xi's smoke changed, while said, it was more like accused.

How can this?

The words of the Devil are all in public, and as the king talks naturally, it will not play, but also to say Jiu Ding, let alone when it is sealed.

This is the magic of the devil, not a small country's queen!

When the people were tens of, there were many voices that opposed.

"Can't! Magic Empress, don't!"

"This is the magic of the devil, you can let a man come, so how to leave the devil? Inheriting the blood of the devil?"

Now some people are squatting, followed by a group of people, "I am imoying, and I can't make a big mistake!"

An old man said: "Yes! Emperor! If you have a big event, if you really like him, you will be a personal service, or the scorpion is. It is not just a joke after the devil. Your Majesty, don't impulse, let the devil become six jokes! "

In this way, this thought that the moda inside will not respond.

But at this time, it suddenly passed a response from the car, "stopped."

When everyone suddenly stunned, they looked up at the Warcraft car that once again stopped.

Low heavy sound in the car: "The emperor is just a book after the book is a magic? How can I let six journions?"

"If the Emperor's own demon can not be the Lord, isn't it a big joke? What do you think, do you think that the outside world has the opportunity to joke?"

A awaken everyone, the people suddenly reacted, their devil was already seal the interface in a long time, but now it is closed in their own world.

How do you know what happened in the outside world?

Since I don't know, how can I joke?

The scene is silent, and everyone's face is not independent.

Some people can not help but feel emotions, whispering, "Yes ... The devil is now like being banned big cage."

I am glaring, and I want to say something, but I have to endured.

Suddenly someone sent a roar: "The devil will go to this point, who is it caused?"

"It's because the woman! It's the quie of the gods. If she is not seal us, how can we break the outside world?"

"The demon resources are growing, and the magic is also lacking. The revolution of the Moist is also difficult to improve. The magician aging is also shortened time. All this is because the devil is blind."

After this person finished, it was an angry accreditation, then he said: "It is all the wind! It is her! If she is not to deceive my emperor, the devil is now not falling so. "

"Now, the emperor will give up the blood of the blood, and must be a woman's magic of the magic. It is not even more snow to the magic world."

A man suddenly made an angry screaming: "The rise of the devil! Oil the god! The man is back!"


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