Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! That's here, I suddenly heard another meaning of the face showed a horror show.

"You ... you mean ..."

After the other party, the man in the brown jarie robe hooked: "Of course, it is a new magic emperor! Only I can take my magic's mission to the mission to be eligible to wear all the people in the devil! Do you Do you want to die? Wait until the Mozu is completely forgotten by the world, waiting until the magic of the magic, I wake up in the last trace? "

In this case, I will be silent when I have been silent, and many people look down on their faces, and they are also afraid.

Some people say worry, he is susceptible: "This ... However, since the murderous emperor is the emperor of our devil, the strongest master, who can win him? Who dares to do it with the murder?"

"Yes! And I have always had a demon emperor, and the outside world will be taboo. It is even more dare to violate a shower. He was also cheated by the woman, in fact, there is no mistake, what seems to be, we Doing so, will not be some ... "

I haven't waited for the person, the brown clothes man immediately angered: "What is wrong? Who will make the devil disappear in the six world? Who will make the magic consumption but can not regenerate? It is no longer the power of the original, is it unable to die? "

"If it is not his wolf, the devil will have today? He has already fallen. Fall, it is not qualified to make the devil dominates. Just now, you also see how he is absurd, how can I not wake up?"

Immediately, the middle-aged man standing on the side of him, also followed by: "If there is the murd of the imperialism, we have these people, just don't ignore our hearts!"

At this time, another person agreed: "Yes, we should discuss it for yourself! Today, we must let the emperor give us a satisfactory manner, otherwise he is not qualified to continue to do this. The master of this devil!"

"Good!" The brown clothes man immediately stunned, and then shouted: "Walk! We will stop the Devil's return to the palace now!"

"Walk! Let's go together!" The two were attached to the same, "Just, we are so many people, just want to discuss, there is nothing."

Originally, hesitated people, at this moment, because more and more people agree, the heart is still concerned, and it is gradually also Raiders, but also shouts together.

The people will also start moving at this time, and they will go to the road that is not in the road of the Devil's patrol.

More and more people are chasing, and the team is very fast.

The people behind him also yell at the same time: "If the emperor is, please stop!"

"His Majesty, we have something to say!"


The shouts of everyone did not let the Royal Crime stopped, and they did not hear it all.

Although there is a devil heard, but the Devil's Queen is not ordered, they don't dare to stop.

Experience looked at those people, suddenly surprised: My God! What do they want to do?

However, the refactors think about it, "However, the Devil is really not going to explain clear?"

He stared at the car position, self-call: "Weird, obvious to explain, why is it biased?"

"Moreover, the year is a queen, what is the woman's hand? It is not the Queen of Ouyang. But the words come back, why is the Queen still seal the devil?" He didn't think it.

"Is this a mystery that is unsuccessful?"


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