Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Next to the blue man immediately attached, "Yight! Unfair! Our devil is not wrong, it is their goddess! Must destroy the gods and I am a fair!"

In this way, many people suddenly be more wronged, and they also started to speak dissatisfaction.

"Yes! Destroy the god industry, the devil!"

The more and more people protest, the more the dissatisfaction is also.

"Emperor? In this way, the situation is hard to control!" Si Wei opened anxiety.

The ink row is falling on several people who take the lead, and then locks one of them, it is the brown clothes that take the lead in inciting the people.

"Weird, how did the man know that when the magic is a dream? Since the matter, it should be more clear that the situation in the scene is, resulting in the culprit of the devil and the gods to the enemy, but Ouyang ink. With the dream, it is clear that the dream is full of dreams, and then pretended to face his identity, leading the magic soldiers, and the Ouyang Mo makes a part of the gods to pretend to be magical in the people. "

"This is not that the owner is, but he is hard to say that it is designed from the master? This person is obviously contradictory."

"Well, even you can listen to the problem, it seems that the flaws in the person are not generally obvious." The ...

Moan first nod, and then reacted, there is something in the words, and still ridicule him.

"Your guy, now there is a mood!"

The words of Yun Yu suddenly came out, "" People who know the truth may hear the problem, but the best guides are for unknown people. "

When Mo Wei replied, "Then we will open the truth now! Can't let the master have been embarrassed!"

"Do you think they will be believed now?" He asked directly, watching his expression with a helpless.

"I haven't always believed in this point before, let alone the situation is so bad, these people are now ignorant, saying that they will not listen, let me not say that there is no absolute evidence to prove that we are not Talk to the gods. "

If you let the ink are calm down, "But even if you don't say it, don't we do this?"

"Of course I have to do it." He said, look to the car, "Emperor, are you going to do it early?"

The other two heard, immediately see the carriage.

Yun Wei's voice calmly returned: "This is so lively, the palace family doesn't come out?"


There are several books to look at the palace. At this time, I see the Miyu gate open, and I will get out of a group of people.

What is the master of the palace family, the palace Pengyu, followed by the palace family.

"Out!" Si Wei first returned.

Yun Wei calmly said: "If there is no such a lively scene, it is a pity."

"What is going on?" Qiang Pengyu first screamed.

The people around the people have turned to the direction of the Miyu, which is unexpected. The protests have gradually weak, and finally quiet.

Palace Pengyu looked at this scene, and the feelings were surprised, and then they were unexpected: "Is the emperor?"

The palace of the palace saw that the people were blocked by the people in the middle of the emperor, they can't help but show surprised expressions.

"How did the Emperor are here?"

"What is so many people at the door?"

The palace family can't help but speak whispered.

The Palace looks around, and then looks to the front of the front, and the father is in a few words.

The palace Pengyu is serious, and immediately drives a shout toward the Royal Cross.


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