Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Many people nodded, and then there was also a man who appeared in the appearance: "It's right, the palace family has the heart of the people, the palace family is the first family of the devil, the palace master is naturally qualified to do this devil new Emperor. "

"Everyone is important, these are the palace and the palace family should do, it is a small matter." Palace Pengyu looked at it, but his face was a smile.

Everyone once again persuaded a pass, and the palace Pengyu is still a constant swing.

Someone directly said: "The palace master! You don't have any resignation. In addition to you, who else is eligible for you to sit down?"

The brown man said loudly: "I hope that the palace master must be resigned. The magician people also hope to have a monarch like you like the monarch like a child, and the magic world will become better."

"This ... this ..."

Palace Pengyu hesitated at this time, and the look seems very difficult.

"Hey, at this time, the baby thinks there is a embarrassment, and it is afraid to have a conspiracy." The palace reminded.

However, Mi Pengyu did not pay attention to what he said at this time. He has been in the words of the people, especially the brown man, said to their own fantasy.

It seems to have seen yourself with the Moist, step on the gods at the foot, sitting on the high throne.

At this moment, the people of the palace can't say excited. If it really makes their homeowner's new magic, then the palace is not directly shaking the first person to rule the entire devil!

Many palace people will also become the royal family!

Can they not be excited?

Looking at their owners, they are not issued, and they are still hesitating, and some old people are anxious.

"Do home owner?" An old man is rushing to pull him, and his eyes have followed it.

The whole palace is only the color of the palace, and his brows have never been refunded, and the heart always doesn't look at it.

Palace Pengyu finally had some people's persuasion in the palace family.

"In this case, the palace will take a remarkableness." Qiang Peng Yu said a helpless, but his face is just a smile that is just right.

He is this head, and the people of the palace are almost instantly, and some are so dizzy.

Palace Pengyu suddenly became serious: "The Devil's emperor, the micro-minister has never dared to rebel, and now the situation is the case, Minister did not think that the people have valued and trust me."

Yun Wei smiled and smiled, smiled faint, with a slenderness, in the hands of the palace Pengyu, he is an anger in his heart, but there are countless people present so.

In fact, he didn't expect him that the magical position would be so easy to go, and it is really an unexpected surprise.

The corner of the crowd, many people see this situation, and suddenly began to renew.

"Look at it, today's Devil is difficult to flee it."

"Who is not? However, is the palace family really ..." The person who speaks, looks to the palace of Palace Pengyu, four if there is.

"What? Is this not a clear?" The home of another family on the side said directly.

"Then we are now doing this opportunity to do something, do you say? If you can make the palace master ..."

I didn't wait for the other party, a woman's voice plugged in, "What did you say? The Devil's emperor has not said it! If you actually think about the help of the palace?"


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