After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Is there any problem with Chapter 3365?

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Relative, the inner heart of these people naturally despise Yun Yuyi and others, even anger.

This fell to the palace Pengyu found some faces, and there was comfort in my heart.

Yun Yuyu's slight eyebrows, lips slightly, "Is it? It will wait and see, the emperor is more expensive, I want to see how the palace owner is in the end of the devil, saying that this emperor will watch the battle. .only……"

It turned out this, Yun Wei suddenly talked, slowly said: "Can the neighborhood not necessarily, the palace is still thinking about how to solve it!"

Yun Yu said, did not give the opportunity to open the palace Pengyu, raised his hand and waved, "returned to the demon." Now turned to the car, but he went to the door and stopped, and looked back and looked at Peki Pengyu. "In addition, there is something to say to the palace master."

"You have not done your promise, it is not the new owner of the demonic palace. Some words are still until it, I can't eat hot tofu." Yun Yu said, step into the car, the car door Also close.

The smell of the gods immediately shouted again, "Carry back to the demon!"

The team moved, this time no one came again, no one will stop.

The ink and other people also returned to the instant of the carriage, and the imprisonment was released.

Just, they are too lazy to open again, and the last words of Yun Wei, but they will make them happy, too lazy to see the face of the palace Pengyu.

Looking at the team gradually, the face of the palace Pengyu also condensed.

The eyes deeply looked at them and did not leave.

"Hey, let's go back?" The Palace opened.

Palace Pengyu took a deep breath, nodded, and said to the people: "Thank you today's trust in my palace family, trust in the palace, my palace Pengyu is guaranteed to everyone, the seal will be released! Take a price! "

"Well! We believe in the New Devil!" Someone said when people were over.

This person is naturally surprised by Hay Pengyu, and the next consciousness has disappeared the devil team in this street.

However, there are also people to follow.

Mi Pengyu asked his hand, and his face did not agree with: "Everyone must not be so calling, there is no official picking in the current, so we call it will be unable to discuss, and before, the former magic emperor will have opinion."

"Why is it not? New Devil is what we have chosen, our heart is willing! Former Devils even if there is any opinion? Do you still want to kill us?"

The people who speaking are fearless, they are not afraid of Yun Yun, and the face is even showed.

It was said to be said, someone also looked together, not to degrade Yun Wei, praised the palace Pengyu.

Miye Pengyu is very happy, but the face is still in the face, but she is sinned to sin.

When everyone was angry and said, she once again opened it again.

Mi Pengyu looked at the people who were still talking about Yun Yun, and I was so happy.

"The owner, no, the Devil Emperor." Liu De saw that the palace Pengyu returned to the ground and hurriedly greeted the gift.

The owner of the palace has also followed the title, "Christian Welcomes the New Devil."

The palace Pengyu is happy, but the face is still serious and proud: "Do you have to say that this family is not officially taken, if you fall in the former Demon Ear, and let the outsiders hear, not misunderstand. "

Liu De is busy: "It can be ..."

"Liu De." The elders of the palace were also sounded. When he stopped, he turned to the palace Pengyu: "If you want to come to the house, there is something to discuss, let's go back to the government, after all, the door is not talking. "

Palace Pengyu received the eyes of the other party, and then nodded, "all entered the government, this family has something to announce."



"Emperor! The old is not too arrogant, in fact, we have just clearly ..."

I haven't waited for the ink, and I interrupted his words, "I'm enough, the emperor has the purpose of the emperor." Said that he looked to Yun Wei: "Emperor, is there any problem?"

Other several times are staring at Yun Yu.


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