After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 3367, that this is a good thing here.

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! "Hey, you said this, they are not necessarily the people of Palace Pengyu?" Mohi was busy.

I nodded directly. "Well. At the beginning, I feel like I deliberately and the emperor. Later, it is like a full support of the old fox on the palace, but when the old fox behind, it will not be so active, after It is the active performance of Mi Pengyu's own. "

"If the non-emperor suddenly changed the idea, deliberately let the palace Pengyu continue to be proud, it will be, it is nothing to do, and it will not be a convention."

"But if it is not his person, how can I help him talk? Who is so big, and still so good to help the Palace Pengyu sit on the magic land?" Mo Dao said not to believe.

Siwei was shocked, "I really don't have anyone else to deal with the emperor?"

After all, in the devil, from the news they have mastered, even if there is anything that is also attempted to the Devil's position, but it is still not daring to provoke them from them.

Palace Pengyu is dare, but it is secretly colluding with Ouyang ink.

Yun Wei's eyes were moving, and then he came out again. "Don't guess." At the same time, loud his hand and waved to the temple, the door was automatically opened.

Several hands are unknown, so I immediately see the direction of the temple.

"Come in!" Yun Yu said faintly.

Emperor this is?

Until waiting for each other, the door walked into two magic sisters, and it was a place where the length of the country was not unusual. It was just two ordinary devils.

The temple is closed again, and the two trails go straight to Yunyi's follow-up, "see Wuhuang."

"Free Gifts." Yun Wei said, and then looked at several hands on the eye, the mouth smashed: "What can you see?"

I heard the words, and several people seem to think about what, the first to respond, is awkward, the eyes are surprised, and the two magic wants to quickly.

"Emperor, you shouldn't want to say, they are ...?"

The rest of the mistakes and gathered their eyes, and looked at the two people, and looked at Yun Yu, the attention of the pride is looking into the cloud.

Yun Wei can't help but hook a smile, "Well."

Is it harm?

However, this time they are indeed clear.


"Emperor? This is what you are in deliberately arranged?" Mo Yi was surprised, and it didn't expect that the aggressive scene was actually their master!

After the throne, he suddenly was depressed, and he couldn't help but look at Yun Yu. "The emperor, why don't you say it early? This happens to be a few have prepared?"

"If you know that all this is you arranged, we don't have to be so urgent fire, or even hate them immediately." The blood magic could not help but grind.

Two devils were cold, but fortunately they were not really hostile people.

Yun Wei faintly glanced a few, "Isn't it better? What is more real? If you have long known, Palace Pengyu's old fox is inevitably think more."

When the ink is nothing to say, but watching the two devils, they can't help but show up, "The emperor, they have never seen it, it seems that it is not dark guard?"

"I have never seen it." Siwei got a half a day, I only thought that the two people were tight, never seen, the appearance of the previous street was also different from now.

Obviously, it is not their true long phase.

"Don't look, they are not their true longitude." Yun said.

"Ah?" Mo Yi was surprised, how did he see? The eyebrows, the skin, the expression, and the eyes, clearly is really true!

I didn't explain it, and Yun Yu is open, and there is a black sandallet box. I gave it one. "After handing this to the devil, if she asked what, I said that everything is Pan, soon I can go back to find her, let her relieve the emperor. "

"Also, you must protect her safety before this emperor, you must protect her safely, and you must not let people hurt her hair."

"Yes! Follow it."

The two once again rose, retreat, go out, and only see the appearance of the two changes again.

This time, two men became two flat women from two men.


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