Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! "How is it? This matter is only favorable with you, there is no shortcomings, it is a transaction that only wins." The man continued.

Qiang Pengyu is destroyed, and at the same time, the opening, "This matter is very good, but since you know that thousands of years ago, you should know that there is only Xuan Ming in the daughter's heart."

"If she doesn't start, everything is white." This is also his worried, I still have to kill him, and I have explained everything.

The man is a smile: "If you rest assured that the queen after reborn, I have long forgot a lot of things before, everything is remembering, since I don't remember those, I didn't just gave your son opportunity?"

"The queen after reborn arrived in the people, and became the future generation of Phoenix, namely Fengsheng City."

"Although the appearance is never before and before, she is now in the beginning of the god level, and at this time, some people want to do her to die, isn't it just need people to protect?"

"Yes! After the reincarnation, the flesh is no longer the gods, and the memory and repair are all restarted. So ..." Palace Pengyu began to count in the heart, and the idea was also spurgenated at this time, and rapidly grow rapidly.

Soon, the palace Pengyu is a major decision, and his eyes are instantaneous.

Turning to the man, the tone is also slightly bit, "How do you think about this emperor?"

Seeing that he asked, the man laughed, "Don't worry, what do you know now? How many people bring? In addition to your devil, do you have contact with him?"

Palace Pengyu shook his head directly ...

"To truth, the emperor really doesn't know where he is, there should be only the emperor in the devil, and we will use each other."

"But in the power of the person, we are just the one who lives, don't say name, it is just an adult."

"It can be said that there is no trace, this emperor is only contact us with Ouyang ink, and we have rarely contact him, very mysterious."

When the man suddenly wrinked, "Then you should see the requirements of Xuan Ming, the people who lead the devil will attack the gods and revenge, but only do it. Yes?"

Palace Pengyu did not deny that I laughed again. "The big thing does not have a child to cover the wolf. If you don't move it, how can you force someone to force Xuan Mi?"

The man with a low perimeter of the man went through the darkness, and the corner of his mouth evoked.

Palace Pengyu is still excited to tell the careful part of the parties, "in Xuan Ming's character, it seems to be indifferent to people, but if it is at that time, he will not be slimming, regardless of the murder of the devil."

"When the adult is mixed in the team of the gods, the Xuan Ming is removing, and Ouyang Mo will stop in a timely manner, and put the devil."

The slight sound of the man sounded, "So, you led the devil to the gods, it is a fake, the actual is actually the emperor kills Xuan Ming."

Palace Pengyu smiled, "That is natural, not only reminds him, but can still be more stable in the world, let the emperor are more stable in the hearts of the devil, let more people work. After all, Xuan Ming did not pass the East Certification of you, let the people of the devil are not in convinced? "

"Just to prove yourself, the life of the sacrifice of the innocent people will not hesitate?" The man said softly, listening to the calm, but it was cold.

To he said, Qi Pengyu is only a direct nodes that don't care. "Yes, after all, he is the first Devil of the devil, the rule is in the heart of the people, or The foundation of the power of the power is quite firm. "


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