After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapters 3401 are men, they are still young.

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! "Take away." The leader of the leader did not say much, or the order is finished.

There were no delays in six hands, and I was instantly surrounded by the process, and two of them were close to him.

Exquisite tries to turn around to highlight the runner, but just turned around, the shoulders have a knife on both sides.

"I want to run without the door." One of the hands and swearing.

The exquisite is a smile, and then asked: "Who is you? What is it? What is the reason I have to let me know?"

Lead men's cold eye turned obliquely, not bothered: "Waste so many words! Hey, with us, it is."

The hand is also moving under the hand, "walk!"

I didn't say anything more, and I trembled with them left.

Just after the departure of the departure, the ink is looking for.

"What about the boss?"

When the restaurant boss came, I was so busy. "Little here, what do you know?"

"Have you seen this person?"

The portrait of the ink is looking at him, and the other side begins to recall.

I didn't wait for him to open, and I walked into the store in the second time I watched it: "I'm going back ink guidelines, this person is recognized, he came here to stay in the second floor, there is half a time, but he already Leaving, almost a quarter of an hour! "

Mozi, "Go? Where is it?"

Exquisite to the Palace, some people are staring, but this guy can open the person who is staring at him is indeed a bit. This will know that it is in this restaurant, I didn't expect to be late.

Xiao 2 refers to the direction, "he went out to the left direction."


"Well, the whole collar knows, go!"

Said that I plan to leave, turn it out and stop again, "Wait."

The boss of the restaurant is scared, and the boss hurriedly asked: "Is there anything else ink?"

"He is always a person in the end? Is it what he pays? Is it another person?"

The ink looks at him, and the eyes will look to the second floor direction.

It is reasonable to say that the departure is not like quiet look, and it is a person to eat, it is good to sit outside, it is not necessary to use the box is not?

The focus is that the proceedings have no money, and the things on his body have been taken away from them before they are asked, and the box consumption should be additionally charged.

Xiao Er. At this time, he is somewhat strange to sneak in the mouth, but the ink is noted.

Then he heard a small two back him: "After returning tok, there are several other, and the money is also those people."

"Those people are more than him."

The ink is a small second. "Can it be in the same age as the man?"

Xiaodi stunned, then reacted, immediately nodded, "Yes, it is male, it is also young."

"Is it still?"

"I didn't have long time after the son, I just gone for a while." After the second answer, secretly seeing the eyes of Mo Wei more strange.

The shopkeeper next to it also referred to the oblique pair of shops in the store, saying: "Little sees, they went to South Street."

After the hands of the ink, "the leader, immediately take someone immediately and chase it."



If you receive orders in your hand, you will not be delayed, and immediately chase it in the direction of the departure.


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